Manure is decomposed organic matter from both plants and animals. It contributes to the fertility of the soil by adding organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen. Manure contains valuable plant nutrients for crop production e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It provides valuable macro and micronutrients like sulphur and boron to the soil. Manure supplies organic matter to improve soil tilth, improves infiltration of water and retention of nutrients, and promotes growth of beneficial organisms. Sources of Animal Manure Sources of animal manure include cattle, goats, poultry, sheep, pigs, etc. In general, manure from pigs and poultry is of better quality and should be applied in smaller amounts (e.g. one handful per hole). The amount of usable manure that can be obtained from cattle depends on factors like: The amount of feed. The method of feeding (pen rearing, kraaling the animals at night, or free-range) and The efficiency of collection of the manure. Th...
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