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Showing posts with the label What are the best growing conditions for soybeans

4 Must Know Soya bean Growing Tips

1. Select and Plant only the Best Varieties: Make your initial selections carefully by using third-party yield information, and only accept substitutions with proven yield potential. 2. Correct Low-testing Soils Now: Carefully evaluate soil test results. If you’re unsure about fertility levels, conduct a soil test in the spring. Once planted it’s too late to fix deficiencies. 3. Plant Early: In most areas, soybean yields respond to early planting but only into good soil conditions. Avoid planting in extremely dry soils. 4. Plant in Narrow Rows: Soybeans planted in narrow rows will out-yield those planted in 30-inch rows or wider. You can expect approximately 5% of yield advantage for every 10 inches of narrowing down to about 10 inches. This is where we will be ending our discussion for today. Do you have any questions or other forms of contributions, kindly use the comment section below for all your contributions. You are also encouraged to kindly share this information with your love...