The disease is caused by bacteria and occurs in moist soils, coupled with high temperatures and soils with high pH. It is mostly spread through contaminated irrigation water, contaminated farm tools or infected planting seeds. The disease has no cure, so monitoring, preventing, direct control measures remain the best practices. Symptoms and identification The younger leaves appear to wilt during hotter parts of the day which then recovers at night when temperatures are cooler. Rapid wilting of the whole plant without yellowing. Plants appear to have a stunted growth. When stem of infected plant is cut a brown colour resulting from damaged tissues is seen with a slimy substance oozing from a fleshly cut stem. Cultural control and preventive measures Do not plant in infested soils by avoiding fields where tomatoes had been planted before. Crop rotate with non-host plants such as maize, beans and cabbages. Remove infected plants immediately and discard them using bags to av...
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