Yogurt is often marketed as a healthy food. Skim yogurt is considered fat-free, which is why, it has become a big trend in yogurt. The benefits of yogurt just go beyond its high levels of protein and calcium. The good bacteria in yogurt helps to maintain a good digestion and improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics present in yogurt may strengthen immune system if consumed regularly. However, the probiotic content of yogurt may vary depending on several factors such as packaging methods and storage conditions. Moreover, yogurt is rich in B vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and riboflavin, both of which may protect against heart disease. Other than that, skim yogurt also contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. Owing to its high protein content, skim yogurt may help delay feelings of hunger and reduce the number of calories you consume overall, thereby promoting weight management. Apart from this, skim yogurt is known to be used as hair mask ...
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