Unless you know and apply some basic principles, you cannot last in any business and Farming is no exception to that. There is no point in going into any business if we cannot do what it takes to last and be successful in it. 1. Develop the passion Only passion can take you far into any business including farming. Without having the passion, you will not last in farming. Passion is the energy that will drive you to success no matter the difficulty you face. Passion is what will bring you back to farming even when you lose your chickens to Newcastle disease or when predators massacre your whole flock of chickens and worse still when your whole field is wiped with floods, let alone other devastating uncertainties. 2. Be committed to continuous learning You will not go far in farming without wisdom, knowledge and understanding. It is easy to learn these days with so many useful FREE seminars all over the place. You can never learn enough in improving your farming bus...
We are a non-profit online community of visionary, dedicated and passionate farmers who have come together to encourage, share and assist one another with valuable farming information and technology regarding the best agricultural practices and trends across the world. Our primary goal is to “Promote Sustainable Agriculture” as a viable tool to food security across the world.