Okra also Known as ‘lady’s fingers,’ or locally as ‘delele,’ or ‘mulembwe’ is a very nutritious crop. Okra Growing Tips Okra is one of many vegetables which produces edible pods. A member of the mallow family, the plant itself is coarse, tall. Okra is simple to grow during warm seasons, or throughout the year in areas that are more tropical. Here are a few steps to take note of for growing okra: 1. Begin by planting seeds. Plant 3 - 4 seeds together about 0.5 - 1 inch deep. 2. Be sure to separate each planting by about 6 inches, and separate each row of plants by about 2 feet if you plan on growing a large amount. 3. After planting, water each area gently with water. Don’t water to the point of puddles forming. 4. As the plants break the surface, thin them out and space them about a foot apart as they will widen quite a bit as they mature. 5. Once the seed pods form and grow t...
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