The main diseases affecting tomatoes are Early blight, Late blight, Bacterial wilt and Fusarium wilt. The main pests of tomato are Mites, Whiteflies, Leafminers ( Tuta absoluta ) and Thrips. 1. Bacterial wilt ( Ralstonia solanacearum ) The disease causes rapid wilting and death of the entire plant without any yellowing or spotting of leaves. Total collapse of the plant usually occurring when temperatures reach 32°C and above. Plant wilts while still green. When the stem of a wilting plant is cut across, the pith has a darkened water-soaked appearance, and on squeezing the cut stem, a white, yellow or greyish, slimy exudate may appear. In later stages of the disease, decay of the pith may cause extensive hollowing of the stem. Photo . Tomato plant infested by bacterial wilt Management: If only a few wilted plants are found, immediately remove them from the field. Practice long-term crop rotation (3 – 4 seasons). 2. Fusarium wilt ( Fusarium oxysporum sp....
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