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Showing posts with the label What is the best climate for bananas

We may well lose our bananas with climate change

Climate change could negatively impact banana cultivation in some of the world’s most important producing and exporting countries, a study has revealed. Bananas are recognised as the most important fruit crop – providing food, nutrition and income for millions in both rural and urban areas across the globe. While many reports have looked at the impact of climate change on agricultural production, the effect of rising temperatures and changing rainfall has on crucial tropical crops such as the banana are less well understood. In a new study, led by Dr. Dan Bebber from the University of Exeter, scientists have studied both the recent and future impact of climate change on the world’s leading banana producers and exporters. It shows that 27 countries – accounting for 86% of the world’s dessert banana production – have on average seen increased crop yield since 1961 due to the changing climate resulting in more favourable growing conditions. However, crucially the report also sug...