The post today is on a crop with a long and tortuous path, and one that isn’t finished not by a long shot. Garlic is such an amazing plant with a multitude of uses that I was excited when I first tried growing it. The excitement was short lived however as when the plants were dug as their tops died down. I found bulbs that were not substantially bigger than the ones I had planted. This was in my old intensive style garden that relied on truckloads of mushroom compost and regular irrigation. When facing a failure like this there are a lot of different ways to respond. One option I have become fonder of as I get older is to simply give up on that particular plant and focus my energy on something that is more sincerely rewarding. The opposite extreme is to throw everything and the kitchen sink at the problem, hoping that if you just add enough of the right ingredient or work hard enough at the right technique then the problem can be solved. With biological systems there are a multitud...
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