1. Patience: As a farmer you have to learn how to be patient because raising crops or life stock takes time. Plus, it might not always turn out the way you expect. Farming comes with lots of unexpected circumstances, like pest infestations and disease outbreaks, market glut. Slow or unexpected results shouldn't frustrate a farmer set on being successful. Instead, take it in stride and plan for how to get it right next time. 2. Develop a Student Mentality: Approach the industry with a student mentality. You have to be willing and able to adapt to new technology, environments, and methods. Curiosity comes hand in hand with a student mentality, and as a farmer you need lots of it to find success. 3. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge and skills pair nicely together. In addition to learning new things, you need to be knowledgeable in every aspect of your farm. This includes close familiarity with every crop, finding out what works best for the farm, and how it operat...
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