So you may be thinking whether to start rearing indigenous chickens but still not sure. In this article, I will share with you six reasons why you should consider indigenous chickens as an income-generating venture. Proper indigenous chicken farming involves the chickens being allowed more room to roam around and forage for their own feed as opposed to being confined in cages like the case with broilers. So you really need to have space for the birds to freely run around. Here are the six reasons why I think you should consider indigenous chicken farming: 1. Indigenous Chickens are on High Demand There is so much high demand for indigenous chickens these days. This can be attributed to the quality of meat and eggs provided by indigenous chickens which is tastier and healthier. Indigenous chickens that are properly allowed to roam around develop stronger muscles and the meat is much firmer and rich in nutrients. Indigenous chickens eat different types of feeds such as ...
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