1. In the dust bath : Charcoal or wood ash added to your chickens' dust bath helps to suffocate parasites such as mites, lice, fleas and ticks. 2. As a feed supplement : It has been observed that animals in the wild will gnaw on charred branches and stumps after a forest fire. Charcoal works as a laxative and detoxifier, flushing toxins out of the body. It will also help expel internal worms to some extent. Calcium is the most abundant element in wood ash, but it's also a good source of potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Adding wood ash to your chicken feed in a 1% ratio can improve lay rates, extend laying periods and will also reduce the smell of the chicken droppings. Ashes obtained from hardwoods like cedar, oak and maple have five times as many nutrients as softwoods like pine and balsa. 3. As a wound healing agent : Wood ash possesses antibacterial qualities which can prevent an open wound from becoming infected and also works to stop bleeding quickly, mu...
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