Carrot farming is one of the highly as well as lucrative farming activities that you can tap into and earn a living. Here are the key basics that you can adopt and earn good money since it only requires a small portion of land, shorter maturity duration and minimum attention. 1. Facts about Carrots Most varieties of carrots are resistant to pests and diseases, and they are also a good late-season crop that can tolerate frost. In fact, they prefer to be grown during the cooler ends of the growing season - spring and fall. Carrots’ root is rich in sugar, and a great source of vitamins and carotene. Not all carrots are orange; varieties vary in colour from purple to white! If there is a challenge to growing carrots, it’s just having soil that’s not too heavy - otherwise, you’ll end up with stunted, round carrots! Most carrot varieties need deep, loose soil that lets them grow without difficulty. Carrots are grown from seed and take between 2 and 4 months to mature, depending on ...
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