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Showing posts with the label What small businesses are most successful

What Business Should I Start?

It’s a question I see many people ask.... I have seen the answers on many online forums: Rice, Beans, Kapenta (Sardines), Salaula (Second-hand clothes), Mobile Money booth, food business, Network marketing...etc.... Of course, all these answers are ok...buying and selling is business. Most of us start out like this! Over 10 years ago as a student at UNZA , I was trading in earrings and necklaces...buying from COMESA market and reselling at UNZA. One time I bought Egyptian handmade bags during the Ndola Trade Fair and sold them...etc... Most often, these are short term Hustles... Now I would like to challenge you; are you thinking long term or short term? Do you dream of building an empire, a strong brand or do you simply want to make some extra cash? Do you look at some of the established brands and think how it would be cool to build one of those from the ground up? [**this kind of big dreaming is not for everyone and that's ok...] If you just want to earn ...

What unique business should I start?

Is a very common question many people ask! Many people come to Facebook and post amounts of money they have, and ask what business they can do using that money. Well, first and foremost, ‘ the general rule ' is that all businesses are profitable. It's just a matter of choosing which one suits you best, based on the following brief points: [ In no particular order ] 1. Passion: Remember Business is not for everyone. Something in you needs to trigger an Entrepreneurial spirit if you want that business to prosper. Don't do business solely based on need to survive. Do it because you love what you want to do. With that spirit, money will follow you. 2. Availability of time: Will you run it part time or full time; due to work, school, family etc.? 3. Target market: Who are your potential buyers based on what you feel you would like to venture in, are they High, Medium or low income earners? Are they the type that are likely to pay cash or on credit? 4. Location:...