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Showing posts with the label What is zero tillage principle

Zero Tillage Conservation Agriculture

Conservation tillage is embracing one principle of conservation agriculture "minimum soil disturbances” and includes practices that keep the disturbance of the soil and loss of organic matter to a minimum, reducing soil and water losses. Mostly, the soil is not turned using ploughs. Zero tillage involves slashing the weeds and previous crop residues or spraying herbicides for weed control, and seeding directly through the mulch using direct seeding implements. All crop residues are retained, and fertiliser and amendments are either broadcast on the soil surface or applied during seeding. Effects: 1. Minimal destruction of soil structure through pulverisation, compaction and/or plough pan development. 2. Slower mineralisation of soil organic matter through less exposure to climatic elements and soil micro and macro fauna. 3. No disturbance of worms and other soil inhabitants, maintained soil biodiversity and balanced activity and food web in the soil including natural predation....