Honey wine, commonly known as mead has been consumed for thousands of years. In fact, in some cultures, honey wine is called “the drink of the gods.” Mead or honey wine is a fermented beverage and contains honey, water, and yeast or bacterial culture. Although some manufacturers use fruits, spices, grains, roots, and herbs as well. The alcohol content of honey wine is typically around 5 - 20% and its flavor varies from very sweet to very dry in both still and sparkling versions. According to Allied Market Research, the global honey wine market is expected to gain traction in the coming years and register a significant CAGR. How Honey Wine is Made Just like any other alcoholic drink in the market, honey wine is fermented. First, water is added to honey in order to dilute its thickness and bacterial culture converts the sugar in the honey to alcohol. When the fermentation process is done, the honey wine is moved to a different vessel for clarification. While this process sounds si...
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