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Showing posts with the label What is the importance of marketing farm products

Marketing and Selling of Farm Products

The biggest challenge most small scale farmers face is marketing and selling their fresh produce. However, if you do these two important things before planting your fresh produce, you’ll sell them with minimum effort. Start by identifying a marketing strategy that will help you distribute your fresh produce. Then, dedicate time and resources to researching, validating, and executing your marketing strategy. Here’s what Steven Kayola has to say. In any business, marketing and selling go hand in hand. Marketing describes a range of activities that include deciding what to produce and how to price, distribute and promote a product. Selling, on the other hand, describes the techniques used to entice buyers to exchange their cash for the seller’s products. I’ve been successful as a small scale vegetable farmer by using the following strategies: Production and Marketing In my experience, if one can control the production and marketing of farm produce then the key ingredients for succ...