Many people think that for you to be successful in poultry farming you have to start with a thousand chickens. Don't be fooled. The likes of the late Nelson Muguku, the Kenyan chicken billionaire started with less than 10 chickens. It all boils down to passion. Do it with passion. Let money come second. You can multiply your stock quickly using only 3 hens. This is for the small-scale farmers who have small sizes of land, live in town or low income earners. Start by doing this using only 3 hens: 1. Once the first hen shows signs of brooding give it one unfertilized egg from hybrid chicken to sit on. 2. Once the second hen also shows brooding signs give it one unfertilized egg from a hybrid chicken to sit on. 3. When the third hen now shows signs of broodiness give each bird 10 to 12 fertilized eggs to sit on but remember to remove the unfertilized egg you had earlier put for the two hens. Using this method you will be ...
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