Everyone knows that eggs are healthy and a great source of high quality protein, especially egg white. One whole egg contains six to seven grams of protein, along with vitamins, minerals, iron, carotenoids, and disease fighting nutrients like zeaxanthin and lutein. It also contains all nine essential amino acids in the right ratios. Getting enough protein is very important for bodybuilders in order to build their muscles, which is why, they usually consume a lot of egg white in a day. It is also very important for every other individual to consume required amount of protein to keep their bones, tissues, blood, hair, and skin healthy. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is the amount of a nutrient you need to meet your basic nutritional requirements. The RDA for protein is more than 0.6 gms of protein per kgs of body weight. § It helps to maintain and repair body tissues, including muscle. § Egg protein strengthen the immune system and keeps it healthy. A strong immune ...
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