Think about all of the things you interact with day-to-day. Everything we use, eat, wear, and interact with originated from one of two places; a farm or the natural world. We have found out lots of cool ways to reconstruct materials that were farmed or mined into the things we recognize as final products, but we need to be aware that all of these materials originate from planet Earth. For this reason and others, it is always a good idea to use and reuse everything we can. In agriculture, many by-products are given important and useful purposes. Read through to learn more about a few ways agriculture saves money and resources by using by-products! 1. Dried distillers grains Ethanol is primarily produced using corn. Ethanol is created by converting the starches in the corn kernel into sugars and then alcohol (ethanol). The rest of the corn kernel solids cannot be converted into ethanol, and are therefore by-products. This material, called dried distillers grains or DDGs, is a commo...
We are a non-profit online community of visionary, dedicated and passionate farmers who have come together to encourage, share and assist one another with valuable farming information and technology regarding the best agricultural practices and trends across the world. Our primary goal is to “Promote Sustainable Agriculture” as a viable tool to food security across the world.