Aspergillosis is a non-contagious respiratory disease caused by a fungal species known as Aspergillus. Commonly referred to as mycotic pneumonia, brooder pneumonia, or fungal pneumonia, Aspergillosis affects chickens, ducks, turkeys, waterfowl, game birds, and many other bird species. Etiology: The fungus causing Aspergillosis in poultry is Aspergillus fumigatus. Transmission: Transmission is by inhalation of fungus spores from contaminated litter (e.g. wood shavings, straw) or contaminated feed. Hatcheries may also contribute to infection of the chicks. Epidemiology: Young chickens are very susceptible. Older chickens are more resistant to infection. Turkey poults, pheasants, quails, ducklings, and goslings may also become infected. Clinical Signs: Infected chickens show signs of: 1. Depression and thirst. 2. Gasping and rapid breathing can be observed. 3. Fever. 4. Inappetence. 5. Emaciation...
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