Aspergillosis is a non-contagious respiratory disease caused by a
fungal species known as Aspergillus. Commonly referred to as mycotic pneumonia,
brooder pneumonia, or fungal pneumonia, Aspergillosis affects chickens, ducks,
turkeys, waterfowl, game birds, and many other bird species.
The fungus causing Aspergillosis in poultry is Aspergillus
Transmission is by inhalation of fungus spores from contaminated
litter (e.g. wood shavings, straw) or contaminated feed. Hatcheries may also
contribute to infection of the chicks.
Young chickens are very susceptible. Older chickens are more
resistant to infection. Turkey poults, pheasants, quails, ducklings, and
goslings may also become infected.
Clinical Signs:
Infected chickens show signs of:
1. Depression and
2. Gasping and
rapid breathing can be observed.
3. Fever.
4. Inappetence.
5. Emaciation.
6. Mortality is
variable, from 5 to 50%.
7. Gross lesions
involve the lungs and airsacs primarily.
8. Yellow-white
pin head sized lesions can be found.
9. Sometimes all
body cavities are filled with small yellow-green granular fungus growth.
The presence of Aspergillus fumigatus can be identified
microscopically or sometimes even with the naked eye in the air passages of the
lungs, in the airsacs or in lesions of the abdominal cavity. Aspergillosis can
be confirmed by isolation and identification of the fungus from lesions.
No specific treatment available. Spontaneous recovery if re-exposure
is prevented.
1. Removing the
birds from contaminated area.
2. Removing
infected birds from the flock.
3. Removing
contaminated materials.
4. Increase ventilation and air exchange.
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