Achieving a good bird, barn and gut health requires operational excellence and attention to detail. A combination of quality nutrition, veterinary guidance, and increased consideration of barn and bird management will help to ensure birds have the best possible chance to perform at their maximum potential. The acronym “FLAWS” has commonly served as a reminder to check feed, light, litter, air, water, (bio)security, sanitation, space and staff. FLAWS actually serves as a detailed approach to best management practices, not only during brooding but throughout the life of the flock. Some critical focus areas are as follows: 1. Biosecurity Well-defined biosecurity practices throughout broiler production (pre-, during and post-placement) are crucial to successful poultry production. Effective biosecurity can aid hygiene, vermin and insect control on-farm and help to limit disease transmission within and between barns. 2. Downtime between flocks Adequate downtime of at least ...
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