Poultry farming in the United States involves over 233,000
locations. Over 8.54 billion broilers are produced each year through this
industry, along with approximately 100 billion eggs and over 238 million
turkeys. The combined value of all of these agricultural products is about $50
billion per year. This figure is up over 9% from what the industry was able to
achieve in 2013. When you include figures from around the world, the revenues
and output triple thanks to large operations in the Asia-Pacific region.
Although poultry farming is a process that produces an image of
hundreds of small birds crammed into a small cage, unable to move, this is not
the industry standard. Intensive agricultural practices are different than
unethical ones. Hens begin laying eggs at 16 to 20 weeks, but their product
levels begin to decline in 1 to 2 months. That is why these hens are considered
economically unviable and sent for meat products.
Chicken is one of the most consumed meat products in the world
today. Eggs and turkey items are also increasing in popularity. When taking a
look at the advantages and disadvantages of poultry farming, there is a
definite need to balance the requirement for profits and an ongoing food supply
with the humane treatment of these birds during their lifetime.
List of the Advantages of Poultry Farming
1. Poultry farming can include more than chickens
Although over 5 billion chickens are raised each year in just the
United States to be a source of food in both eggs and meat, that is not the
only option that is available to you in poultry farming. You can raise a
variety of birds, including turkeys, geese, and ducks for a variety of unique
products. Some farmers even take care of their birds because they harvest their
feathers as a material product for stuffing.
If you don’t like the idea of slaughtering chickens, then you can
get involved by raising some layer hens and incorporating other poultry
products into your portfolio to still create a profitable business.
2. It doesn’t require much capital to become a poultry
This advantage is one of the most significant to consider for many
households when they begin to contemplate the idea of starting an agricultural
business. You only need to have the capital available that can help you to
start raising poultry in the first place. Research from the University of
Wisconsin indicates that your net income per bird, not including family labour
or capital, is approximately $2.24 if you run an operation with at least 4,000
chickens sold. If you go up to 10,000 birds, then your net income is $2.19 per
As long as you can afford the initial purchasing cost, feed, and
protective structures for the animal, you can start a small-scale operation for
less than $5,000 in most situations. Many families can begin a poultry farm for
less than $1,000 with a few birds.
3. You don’t need a lot of available space to begin
poultry farming
Unless your plans involve the start of a significant commercial
poultry farming operation, then you won’t need a lot of space to get this
business opportunity off of the ground. Many households will raise their first
few chickens in their backyard using a single coop or cage to protect them from
night-time predators. Raising the chicks can be as simple as having a heat lamp
in a garage and a children’s plastic swimming pool for them to wander around in
with a little bedding.
The spatial requirements are so minimal that many suburban
communities offer zoning options that allow for families to raise chickens in
their backyard, even if they have less than 0.25 acre of space.
4. Poultry farming can be immediately lucrative
If you decide to take your poultry farming idea to a commercial
scale, then there is an excellent opportunity to ensure that you receive a
significant return on your initial investment. Because some poultry birds, like
broiler chickens, only take a couple of months to reach a mature stage, you can
raise several “crops” of birds for meat products over the course of a year
using the same infrastructure that you initially purchased for the first batch.
If you are dedicated to the process, it is not unreasonable for a first-time
farmer to produce 3-5 batches of chickens that can then be sold to your family,
friends, and neighbours.
5. There are fewer maintenance requirements to consider
for poultry farmers
A poultry farm does not typically require a high level of
maintenance, especially if you are thinking about operating your business as a
family operation. When you follow the recommended guidelines for hygiene and
care when working with your birds, then you can easily prevent the spread of
disease and illness throughout your population. This effort will prevent the
transmission of germs from them to you as well.
Even if you have robust concerns about the health of your family
when pursuing the idea of being a poultry farmer, you can choose birds that
have an exceptionally low risk of disease development. Turkeys and quail can be
just as profitable as chickens in some markets, especially if you establish
organic growing conditions that the government can certify for you.
6. Most poultry farmers do not require a license to get
Most of the birds that you will consider raising as a poultry farmer
are domestically-based, which means there is no need for a special
import/export license before you can get started with your work. Most
households will select a farm or poultry catalogue, choose the species they
want to raise, and then pick up their chicks at the local post office when they
arrive. You can then purchase an incubator to start hatching your own eggs at
home to continue building a chain of food products for sale.
That does not mean you can be completely license-free as a poultry
farmer. Most jurisdictions will require that you hold a business license to
sell your products. A health inspection of your property may be necessary. If
you want your poultry items to be certified as organic, then additional
regulations may also be necessary.
7. You are raising agricultural products that have
immediate demand
New poultry farmers do not realize how easy it is to market their
products until they actually start trying to do so for the first time. The
average price per pound that you can receive for a chicken is about $2.20, with
some markets seeing double that rate because you’re offering a home-grown
product. People eat poultry products all of the time, and there is also a
growing desire to know exactly where the food comes from before eating it.
This advantage means that you are providing a food product that is
nutritious and fresh. You can supplement those profits with additional items
like eggs and feathers. Then you can work with the established marketplace to
create sales almost anywhere. There is even an excellent chance that you could
have your products represented in your local grocery store.
8. It creates employment opportunities on multiple
Because a poultry farm is typically a family business, you can teach
your children the benefits of holding down a good job from an early age. They
can be actively involved in the care of the poultry, collect the eggs, or even
capture the animals as they get shipped off to the local processor. It can
provide income as a side hustle while you work a full-time job, or it can be a large-scale
commercial enterprise if you have enough capital and land to get your farm
started. If you grow large enough, then you can hire people from your community
to earn some extra income as well.
The demands of a poultry farm for workers is quite minimal. Almost
anyone can complete the necessary chores while still maintaining their usual
daily activities.
9. Most financial institutions will approve lending
packages for poultry farmers
Assuming that you do not need to purchase the land for your poultry
operations first, you will discover that banks and credit unions are eager to
support this segment of the agricultural industry. Lending offers are approved
across the board for this venture because it can be immediately profitable.
Even if you do not have an attractive credit score, you will find that there
are some low-value loan options that can help you to prove the concept to a
local lender.
10. It is a way to teach responsibility
Poultry farming is arguably one of the easiest ways to enter into an
agricultural business. You don’t need to worry about plowing
fields, understand crop science, manage milking schedules, or keep
unusual hours. Even if you miss collecting eggs for a day or two, it isn’t the
end of the world. You can teach the habit of responsibility in a meaningful way
without placing a lot of added stress on people, even if you initiate a
large-scale operation.
As an added benefit, the chores required for poultry farming are
easy enough to do that you can easily find people to fill-in for you when you
want to take a vacation. Allowing them to keep the eggs while providing a small
stipend for the work will often get you an enthusiastic “Yes!” as a response.
List of the Disadvantages of Poultry Farming
1. You still need to have capital in place to start a poultry
farm in the first place
If you want to begin a large-scale commercial operation for your
poultry farm, then you are going to need about $250,000 available that you can
use to build structures, purchase chicks, hire help, and secure whatever
licensing you may require. Then there are the processing costs to consider
before you can start selling your first birds. That is why most poultry farmers
start with a family operation.
If you start raising poultry in your backyard, then the cost per bird
typically ranges from $3 to $30 over the lifetime of the animal. You will need
to add a coop of some type, which might not cost anything if you build it
yourself, but it could also run between $500 to $2,000 depending on the
features you want. The cost for feed is about $15 per month for 3-6 birds,
while your other costs are about $10 per month.
2. It is possible to lose an entire batch of chicks with
poultry disease
Although the diseases that spread through poultry are typically easy
to manage, you do not have any control over this process until the chicks or
birds are in your possession. There are six common health problems in chickens,
for example, that you can resolve by improving their overall nutrition. Fowl
cholera, coccidiosis, avian flu, fowl pox, Newcastle disease, and salmonellosis
will happen at some point during your time as a poultry farmer. If you know how
to respond and offer the correct nutritional content in the feed of your birds,
then managing this issue isn’t as much of a disadvantage as it could be.
3. There is a slight risk of bird-to-human transmission
of the avian flu
The avian flu strain that the World Health Organization is concerned
about is called H5N1. It is a highly infectious and severe respiratory disease
that is found in birds. Transmission from an infected bird to a human is
difficult, but not impossible to achieve. Even spreading it from human-to-human
after receiving the virus from an animal is a rare occurrence. The mortality
rate for this strain when it spreads to people is consistently around 60%. If
you are running a backyard operation, this risk of this disadvantage of poultry
farming is virtually zero.
4. Some birds do not excel in some environmental
You can theoretically start a poultry farm almost anywhere on the
planet. The problem that you face is when the weather becomes too hot or cold
for the birds that you intend to raise. There can be health issues with some
species when there is too much or too little humidity in the air as well.
Before you decide to begin operations, it is a good idea to look at the optimal
conditions for each species that you want to raise.
Some birds, such as geese and turkeys, can thrive in a variety of
conditions without much care beyond access to food and water. If you want to
raise broiler chickens for profit, then you may need to install specific
resources on your property to support those activities. Most farms work the
best when the poultry and the environment work together for a successful
5. There are zoning issues that you may need to follow
before starting your farm
If you work with a processor for your poultry (and most
jurisdictions require that you do so unless you are licensed as a butcher,
slaughterhouse, or processor), then you must provide evidence that your farm
meets all of the current zoning and licensing regulations for your geographic
Perdue Farms specifically states that they require farmers who raise
poultry to adhere to all federal, state, and local regulations that involve
their work. That includes zoning requirements and environmental stipulations
that might be present. There may also be a set of best practices that you are
asked to follow as part of your operations. If you do not provide evidence that
you are in compliance or you fail an inspection, then you can lose your
potential for profit just as quickly as you created it.
6. You must provide your birds with adequate feed to be
Even if your goal is to raise free-range birds that are largely
self-sustaining, you must provide supplemental feed that supports the natural
growth of the animal. The amount of feed that is necessary to negate this
disadvantage depends on what you decide to raise. Some chickens can eat up to
0.25 pounds of food each day. Layer hens require more than this, while broilers
might eat between 0.6 to 1 pound to support their development.
Geese, turkey, ducks, and other poultry species have their own
unique feed requirements to consider as well. If you do not provide food that
contains calcium, Vitamin D, and other essential minerals, then the quality of
the meat or eggs that you produce may not reach the required minimum standards
for sale.
7. Poultry farming requires the presence of non-acidic,
clean water
You must have the quality of your water tested periodically if you
decide to start a poultry farm, even if you live in the suburbs and use tap
water for this need. When the acid levels are too high, then there are multiple
negative impacts that can affect the livelihood of the birds. Poultry must have
access to drinking water that is colourless, odourless, clear, and tasteless to
be beneficial to the farming process.
If you have cloudy water, then there may be clay or silt that could
create adverse effects on your flock. Red coloration in the water can indicate
an excessive level of iron. Blue coloration indicates the process of copper,
while a rotten egg smell is evidence that hydrogen sulfide is present. Even if
there are salts in the water, the poultry may find the liquid to be bitter and
refuse to drink it.
8. There is the issue of antibiotic use to consider with
poultry farming
Because bacterial disease can quickly sweep through large-scale
commercial farms, it is not unusual to treat the birds with antibiotics to
ensure that they stay health. Some farmers even resort to the proactive use of
these drugs to minimize the impact of poor health on their profit margin. Not
only does over-medication impact the quality of the meat, but it might also be
an unreliable option if farmers try to purchase these items outside of their
Humans that eat chicken meat that consume regular antibiotics are at
a higher risk of developing antibiotic-resistant gastrointestinal infections.
There is the potential for more urinary tract infections as well. Even if you
have an illness in your flock, the concerns with drug use are so high with
processors that any antibiotic use might prevent you from being able to send
your birds to market.
9. It can still be a lot of hard work for your family
If you are only managing a handful of chickens, then this disadvantage may not apply to you. When you start working with a couple dozen birds, you might find that night-time predators start to scope out your property. The presence of coyotes, wild dogs, opossums, raccoons, and others could create additional safety risks for your family. There will also be more rodents around your property as mice and rats steal any leftover feed that you leave out. You must be proactive in managing this issue to prevent loss.
A Final Thought on the Advantages and Disadvantages of
Poultry Farming
The advantages and disadvantages of poultry farming must balance the
work, time, and cost requirements with the potential for profit in some way.
Some households find that there is a great satisfaction in being
self-sufficient with some food products, so monetary profits are not even a
consideration. From a commercial standpoint, this agricultural sector carries with
it a similar risk that any other business owner would face.
Many people find that raising chickens, ducks, geese, and other
poultry is a fun and relaxing experience. The chores are minimal compared to
the benefits that are possible. If you can balance the potential disadvantages
of this experience in some way, then you will likely enjoy being a poultry
farmer – even if it is only in your backyard.
Author Bio:
Natalie Regoli
is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's
Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in
several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.
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