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Maize Production Cost and Management 2022

This is just a guide for farmers who want to get the full yield potential of maize seed varieties. Seed companies will always say their varieties have a potential yield of 8 – 12ton/ha but this tonnage is mostly achieved by commercial farmers while small-scale farmers only achieve 2 – 3ton/ha which is just peanuts for a variety that has a yielding capacity of 8 – 12ton/ha. In order to achieve this yield potential farmers need to make sure that in their production they don’t exclude the aspect of crop protection (Agro chemicals) and nutrition (i.e. fertilizer). Below is a guide on good maize management.

Take note that this write up is based on 1 hectare and the prices attached are subject to change depending on the time of purchase.

1. Seed            

Maize seed has a lot of varieties on the market, contact Seed Companies for the best variety to plant in your area.

Few recommended medium varieties which are usually more stable (yield wise) to plant, e.g. Seedco 637, DK 777 and Pan 53.

2. Seed Requirement per Hectare

20 – 25kg of seed is required to cover a 1ha.

Price per 10kg is k420 for Seedco 637, to cover a hectare you will need two of 10kg seed making the price to go to k840. See below;

10kg × 2 = 20kg/ha

K420 × 2 = k840/ha Therefore, in a hectare you will spend k840 for seed purchase.

3. Land Preparation and Planting Dates

If land has been cultivated before, no need to re-cultivate. Practice minimum tillage (less soil disturbance).

Start planting when the land is ready i.e. after a good and stable decent rainfall. For farmers with irrigation they can start planting as early as October while the dry lands November is the safest. Late December planting may produce low yield expect for early maturing varieties and the crop might suffer drought stress at the end of the rain season and pest and disease can be prone, this should be avoided by all means.

Plant one seed per station.

4. Spacing

Between the line 75cm (max. 90cm)

Between the plants 20cm

Depth 3cm – 5cm

5. Fertilization

Basal fertilization

Ensure D-compound is applied at time of planting.

Use a Coca-Cola grass bottle top as a measure of fertilizer per station. Place the D-compound between the seed (as shown in the picture below).

4 by 50kg bags will be sufficient for a ha.

Cost Calculations for Basal Fertilization

Price of D –compound is k850 and in a hectare you need 4 bags, your total expense will then be k850 × 4 = K3,400/ha.


Apply urea when the plant are about 30cm or just below your knee level. Urea is the source of nitrogen for maize. 4 bags of urea is the minimum to apply per ha. However, if you can apply more, the better. Maize responds positively to nitrogen. The more nitrogen applied the higher the yield.

Cost Calculation for Top-dressing

Price of Urea is k900 and in a hectare you need 4 bags, your total expense will then be k900 × 4 = k3,600/ha.

6. Weed Management (Chemical Spray Program)

Pre-emergence weed control:

Apply your weed control chemicals immediately after planting. It is recommended that maize be planted in the morning and spray the planted area in the afternoon or at least make sure that the planted area is sprayed before the maize germinates. i.e. spray within 3 days of planting.

Pre-emergence – Spray Option

Seed Dress Allstar

App. Rate 35g/10kg seed control of soil insects and seedling diseases.

K25 × 2 = K50/ha

Spray a combination of the two chemicals below at planting or within 3 days before the seed germinates.

Anchor 3L/ha + Paraquat 1L/ha

Note: These products can be obtained from any Agricrop outlets.

·         Anchor will control grasses & broadleaf weeds before germination.

·         Paraquat will kill the very small weeds that are already out.

Post-emergence Spray

Anchor can also be applied post-emergence. Ideally spray Anchor after maize has attained 4 leaves, will kill small germinated weeds and stunt bigger weeds to allow maize to take off. If one can afford, spray twice – at pre and early post stages.

Other options for post-emergence are Nico or Mesotrione. Nico will control emerged grasses especially Mulungwe grass and Mesotrione is a contact and residual selective herbicide for control of late germinating weeds.

7. Insect Management

Ensure to scout for insects immediately after crop emerges, and make spraying decisions. Common insects found in maize include; cutworms, fall armyworms, earworms, borers, and grain moths. Ensure to make spraying decision once these insect attack your crop. Available insecticide include; Elufen, methomyl, Cyfos, lambda, Fenuron etc.

Best insecticide for fall armyworms in maize is Elufen, this can be purchased from all Agricrop outlets, contact Henry. K on +260-975-683867.

8. Disease Management

Ensure to scout for diseases once the crop emerges and make spraying decision. Common disease found in maize include; Cob rots, grey leaf spot (GLS), maize streak virus (MSV), northern leaf blight (NLB).

Available Agricrop fungicides include: Royal top which acts as a preventive fungicide and Maxgarde applied at first sign of disease acts as a curative fungicide.

9. Maturity

Maturity of maize depends on the variety planted, we have early maturity which take up to 120 - 125 days, medium maturity 130 – 136 days and late maturity 140 – 148 days. Consult seed companies on the best variety to plant in your area.

10. Yield

With good management and a good variety you can get a yield of 12tonnes/ha. On average farmers are getting 5 – 12ton/ha.

Note: 1ton is equivalent to 1, 000kg.

11. Total Expense in a Hectare

This is based on the purchase of seed, fertilizer and chemicals above.

Seed total/ha k840

Fertilizer total/ha k7,000

Chemical total/ha k725

Overall total/ha K8, 565.00 (this is only for seed, fertilizer and chemicals, you can add your own farm expenses).

Maize selling price per 50kg bag, let’s say it’s a good season the price can get to about k150 – k200 per 50kg bag and if you had a yield of 4ton/ha on average that’s equivalent to 80, 50kg bags of maize.

12. Profit Calculations

Let’s say the price is set at K150 per 50kg bag.

K150 × 100 bags = K15, 000 from this amount you can deduct your expenses, what remains is your profit.

For example our expenses in this write up was K8, 565.00 which includes seed, fertilizer and chemicals. Therefore, to get our profit we will subtract the expenses from the amount made after sales. e.g. K15, 000 less K8, 565 = K6, 435. In this case our profit will be K6, 435

Note: It’s possible for farmers to get good yields if they practice good management through crop protection and supplying the crop with full required nutrients.

For any questions on this write up contact Agronomist H. Kanyimbo on +260-975-683 867.

- Agronomist H. Kanyimbo


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