Proper air flow is very vital for optimal performance of our birds but many farmers often see it as something to neglect! Some problems we have on our farms could be traced to ventilation and they often arise when not looked into from the onset (brooding). Air is needed for the breakdown of ingested feed, elimination of ammonia gas and carbon monoxide from the brooder, cool the body of the birds, remove dampness, helps in proper litter management and also reduces the risk of quick spread of diseases. When a brooder house is poorly ventilated (fully sealed brooder house with tarplis or polyethene papers, it gives room for little or no air to come in. oxygen is needed for food metabolism and when absent, food metabolism is slowed which can result to stunted growth. The already exhaled air is still reused by the birds which is detrimental to them. The moisture from the droppings and evaporation from waterers are also trapped thereby making the litter wet and the environment humid. Wet lit
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