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Showing posts from July, 2018

How to Grow Watermelon That's Sweet and Juicy This Summer

Many watermelon growers plant as soon as possible in the season so they can market the crop early, when prices are high. The problem, however, is that watermelons, particularly seedless varieties, require a warm temperature (25°C to 35°C) to germinate. The good news is that you can give the seed a helping hand by pre-germinating it early in the season when the weather is cooler. Whether you intend planting the seed directly into the soil or into seed trays, pre-germination is worth the effort as it gives you a quick, uniform start. This does not apply to hybrid and seedless watermelons, however; these usually go into seed trays in a warm environment. An effective way to pre-germinate seed is to use an electric blanket: Place a sheet of plastic, followed by a few sheets of newspaper, on one half of the blanket; Wet the newspaper and sprinkle the seed onto the moist paper; Cover with a few more sheets of newspaper, and moisten; Place another sheet of plastic on top, and fold the ...

Can digital technologies attract African youth to agriculture?

Young people are now venturing into farming thanks to technology. Photo: Africa Feeds Media Africa is a net importer of food with current figures at 30 billion Euros per annum and the figure could triple by 2025 if drastic measures are not taken according to a report by CTA & Dalberg Advisors. Despite overwhelming evidence showing that Africa’s prosperity and economic growth lies in agriculture, most governments are struggling to honour their Malabo Declaration commitment of allocating at least 10% of their total budgets to the sector. But the situation could change with the introduction and upscaling of data and digital technologies in the agrifood value chains. The evolution of Agricultural Internet of Things (AIoT), block chain technology, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), use of drones among others could transform the sector by increasing productivity and creating jobs. According to UN data, 65% of African population is comprised of the youth, yet the average ag...