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Showing posts from December, 2020

Biopesticides halt the Fall Armyworm in South Sudan

Pilot roll-out of biopesticide, Fawligen, in South Sudan. Partnership project between CABI and AgBiTech, CIMMYT, FAO, USAID and the South Sudan Ministry of Agriculture. Photo Credit: CABI CABI has briefed the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on a successful project to deploy a safe-to-use and environmentally friendly biopesticide in the fight against the  fall armyworm  (FAW) pest in South Sudan. Dr Ivan Rwomushana , senior scientist of Invasive Species Management based at  CABI’s centre in Nairobi, Kenya , told the FAO and more than 150 scientists how 500 smallholder farmers have already seen 63% yield increases — worth $609/ha — from using Fawligen, a product called based on a baculovirus. The technical webinar, entitled ‘Pesticide and Biopesticide in Fall armyworm Control: Protecting Health of Plants, People and the Planet,’ heard how smallholder farmers — instead of deploying synthetic pesticides that ca...

Broilers vs. Layers: Which One Should You Choose?

The reason most farmers prefer raising broilers to  layers is because of the fast Return on Investment (ROI). However, some cases of poor broiler growth makes farmers regret why they started poultry business. First, most farmers only research on how much they can make as profit when they invest some money in poultry business but forget to  calculate the risks to know if they are up to the task they want to venture into. Secondly, they only hear that broilers grow very fast but don’t know why they grow very fast or what makes them grow very fast. No wonder one farmer would raise 6 weeks broilers giving him up to 3.5kg while another farmer would raise same broilers at 6 weeks still battling with 1kg. Farmers who find themselves in the category of poor broilers growth are often farmers who take the shortcut. If you’re aiming at staying long in the poultry business, you should understand that learning first before reaching out for your wallet to put your money inside the b...

Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Onions

Onions are consumed in almost every household in Zambia. Not only are onions grown for domestic consumption but also for commercial purposes. Onions are one of the few crops in Zambia that will always have a ready market. This simple guide will equip onion growers with recommended practices in the cultivation of onions. Climatic Requirements Onions are a cool season crop. Germination of onions is slow at 6 to 7°C. The optimum germination temperature range is 10 to 35°C, and the maximum temperature is 40°C. Onion is adapted to a growing season with air temperatures at 13 to 24°C. Low temperatures early in the season are desirable with higher temperatures after bulb formation. Onion is tolerant to frost but seedlings are generally only tolerant down to -1°C. Onions are sensitive to photoperiod. Long days are favourable to onion production as this enhances leaf development and which, in turn, is directly related to bulb size. Early varieties require 13 hours for bulb initiation whil...

8 guidelines to successful egg hatching

Hatching chicken eggs is such a fun and rewarding experience. However, it can also be stressful! There’s nothing more heart-breaking than waiting a full 21 days only to experience a failed hatch. Believe me, I’ve been there! I’ve hatched hundreds of chicks over the years and in this article, I’m going to share all of my best tips when it comes to hatching chicken eggs. Follow my key steps and you’ll have happy, healthy chicks peeping in the incubator before you know it! Let’s jump in! 1. Collect clean eggs from healthy, nourished breeding stock feeding on a good breeder diet. Avoid eggs from breeders feeding on ‘ makireshi , ’ layers mash and single grains. Do not clean eggs or contact them with oil. 2. Breeding stock must always be fed with a daily dose of greens, black-jack , chick weed, and veggies etc. to supplement their diet. 3. Maintain a cock to hen ratio of 1:5 to produce highly fertile eggs. Avoid related cocks and hens as these usually produce lame chicks. 4. ...

How to Grow Potatoes in Zambia

1. Introduction Potatoes can be grown throughout the year in Zambia, except when the country experiences frost (temperatures below 7 ˚C ) which has the potential to slow down growth and kill leaves leading to reduced yield. In Zambia frost is most likely to occur between May and July. 2. Soil Requirements Potatoes can be grown on a variety of soils including clay, sandy and even pure composites, but they perform very well in loamy sandy soils with good drainage and good moisture retention capacity. Whichever type of soil they are planted, it should be tilled to a fine texture to allow air circulation and expansion of tubers.   Where possible, it is recommended that soil be disked to loosen and allow it form a fine texture. The soil pH requirement for potatoes is in the range 5 to 6 on the calcium chloride scale. It is recommended that soil testing be carried out to establish the soil pH and make corrections where necessary. Alkaline soils cause potatoes to have scales and ro...

How to Take the Temperature of a Goat

As a goat owner, you need to know how to check your goat’s vital signs. Checking your goat’s temperature, can tell you a lot about its overall health. Taking a goat’s temperature is easy. You need either a digital or traditional glass thermometer that you can buy from a feed store, a drug store, or a livestock supply catalog. Both types are fairly inexpensive. To take a goat’s temperature grab a thermometer and take the following steps: 1. Immobilize the Goat You can hold a small kid across your lap. Secure an adult in a stanchion, have a helper hold him still, or tie him to a gate or fence. 2. Lubricate Your Thermometer Use KY jelly or petroleum jelly. 3. Insert the Thermometer a Few Inches into the Goat’s Rectum Hold the thermometer in place for at least two minutes. 4. Slowly Remove the Thermometer Read the temperature and record it on the goat’s health record. 5. Clean the Thermometer Use an alcohol wipe or a cotton ball that has been wet with alcohol.

10 important rules of goat feeding

A breeder should concern himself with the bodily condition of every goat in the herd so that no goat becomes too thin or too fat. Both of which, are not desirable. 1. Goat feed must always be stored in a safe place. Make sure that stored feed is protected from vermin, damp and any contamination. Use the FIFO (first-in, first-out) system when taking feed out of storage to feed the goats. 2. Provided food must be hygienic and it should be presented in a hygienic way so that every goat can share it. There should be adequate space for all the goats to eat at the same time, ensure your troughs are enough for this and also that the troughs are clean. 3. The most important part of diet is good hay/roughage. It’s all about balance! 4. Make sure that a good percentage of the diet is coming from good quality forage. 5. Adequate green feed, vitamins, concentrates, minerals and fresh water are key to a balanced diet which in turn is key to the success of goat breeding. 6. Any cha...

What is irrigation?

Irrigation is the method of watering the plants. There are various types of irrigation based on the area on which the agriculture land located. Especially drip irrigation helps to conserve the water in large amount. Similarly various types of irrigation method is used to conserve they water mainly in the dry water mainly in the dry areas. Let’s see briefly on the types of irrigation. Drip irrigation : This type of irrigation is mainly followed by the people living in the dry areas were the rainfall scale is below 50cm. In this method they will insert a small thin tube under the soil beside the root of the plants with the tiny holes facing a particular root directly for a single plant. Here water is supplied in a drips method were water drops falls on the roots. A plant receives the right amount of water for its requirement. Sprinkler irrigation : In this irrigation system devices are used to irrigate the plants but devices will be placed in between the road of the plants continuo...