1. Types of Soya Cultivars Available a. Determinate vs. Indeterminate Soya bean seed has two types of cultivars which is determinate and indeterminate. Determinate - Will grow vegetatively for about six weeks, then begin their reproductive stage which is flowering, pod development, seed development and maturity having put on 12 leaves no further new leaves are produced on the main stem. Therefore, in simple terms we can conclude to say determinate cultivar have a specific height they tend to reach and cannot grow further from there. Whereas indeterminate grow vegetatively for about six weeks, then begin their reproductive stage when the main stem is about 10 leaves, and continue to grow and produce another five to seven leaves. Therefore, in simple terms these types of cultivar do not have a specific height, they tend to grow taller depending on how you manage them. Indeterminate cultivars tend to grow taller than determinate cultivars. b. Maturity In soya beans we only...
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