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Showing posts with the label Pest and disease control

Soya Beans Disease and Insect Control

Soya beans is currently one of the most grown crop in Zambia. This is attributable to the high market prices of the crop over the years. Recently, these prices have dropped, however farmers have continued to grow soya beans due to its likelihood to yield a good return as compared to maize. Soya beans is an immaculate source of protein with uses ranging from feed formulation for livestock to human consumption. The variety of products is mind blowing. We have soya chunks, oil, soy milk and soy meal to mention a few. Disease and Insect Control in Soya Beans Soya bean diseases are not easily identifiable especially for first time farmers. It is therefore imperative to undertake at least one preventive spray within 45 to 50 days of planting. Prevention is better than cure, right? Some common diseases include Frogeye leaf spot, Bacterial blight, Brown stem rot, Downy mildew, Soybean rust and Septorial brown spot. Control can be done by spraying Maxgarde, a fungicide from Agricrop Ser

7 best Pest Control tactics to know in 2023

The variety of possibilities available while looking for " pest control near me " might easily overwhelm one. Choosing the best bug exterminator can take some time for some people because pest control firms differ in terms of customer care, cost, and environmental standards. We've put together a concise list of the top pest control companies to use in 2023 to save you some time. Sometimes a bug infestation might get so bad that no amount of DIY will be able to save you. Utilizing pest control services becomes vital in such a circumstance.   However, you shouldn't contact the first pest control provider that pops up on your search list. It's critical to choose the best pest control provider, and in this article, we've provided some advice to help you do just that.   Important Information to Consider Before Hiring a Pest Control Company   Let's examine the crucial elements you need to take into account before employing pest control services.

Why Pest Management is Important? 5 Reasons to Know

In this piece of article, we’ll get to know the role of Pest Management and why there is a need to know about it. Rodents and insects spread disease, infest your kitchens and bedrooms, and bite you or your pets, making pest treatment important. Your safety and health are put first by getting rid of any form of pest from your house, garage, or yard. Rodents, for instance, may urinate on or next to the food they locate in your kitchen. You may get seriously ill if you unintentionally eat that tainted food. All types of pests transmit virulent germs and viruses that need long-term treatment. For Example, Asthma is one example of a medical condition that others can exacerbate. In the US , pest management is a major challenge. Pest management offers a defense against dangerous insects that could endanger public health and result in expensive property damages. When people hear the terms " pest management " or " pest control " they frequently picture eliminating f

What Do You Know About Poultry Vaccination?

Vaccination plays an important part in the health management of the poultry flock. There are numerous diseases that are prevented by vaccinating the birds against them. A vaccine helps to prevent a particular disease by triggering or boosting the bird’s immune system to produce antibodies that in turn fight the invading causal organisms. A natural invasion that actually causes the disease will have the same result as the bird will produce antibodies that fights the current invasion as well as to prevent future invasions by the same causal organisms. Unfortunately birds that become diseased usually become unthrifty, non-productive or even die. An infection caused by natural invasion will be uncontrolled and therefore has the possibility of causing severe damage, however vaccination provides a way of controlling the result with minimal harm to the birds. Vaccines are generally fragile products, some of which are live but in a state of suspended animation. Others are dead. All have

Crop Protection Chemicals Industry Recovering Substantially Post Covid

The chemical industry invests much in the production of compounds to protect agricultural crops. Many crops would suffer significant losses if they were not present. Some of these compounds, the insecticides, are also very helpful in preventing human and animal diseases. Over the previous six decades, these compounds' environmental and toxicological qualities have vastly improved. The goal of research is to create compounds that are not only potent, but also specific for the task at hand, while causing no harm to the environment. Because pests may acquire resistance to crop protection agents, new products must be created on a regular basis. Since then, crop protection chemistry has progressed significantly. To reduce the influence on non-target organisms, modern products are engineered to be highly selective in their activity. Selective action, for example, allows for the control of fungi that grow on plants without harming the plants themselves, or the management of a variety of w

Vaccine facts - Everything you need to know

Things to note about vaccines: Transport the vaccines in well-insulated cool boxes containing ice packs to keep the temperature constant. Administer vitamins a day to vaccination and a day after to minimise stress. Never mix vaccine and vitamins. Do not vaccinate sick birds. In case of any ongoing antibiotic flock treatment, withdraw the treatment two days prior to vaccination and don't give any antibiotic two days after vaccination. Minimise vaccine reactions by reducing exposure time after preparation. For vaccines administered through drinking water, the drinking time should be at most two hours. Discard the remaining water, wash the drinkers and provide fresh water mixed with vitamins. Store the vaccine at +2 to +8°C .Never store in the freezer. Never use chlorinated water during vaccination. Use powdered skimmed milk or chlorine neutralizing tablets to dechlorinate. Always vaccinate your birds early in the morning or late in the evening. Deny your birds water for two hours bef

Biosecurity Basics for Poultry Farmers

Chicken house footbath Block the bug before it bugs your flock!! Biosecurity is a practice designed to prevent the spread of disease onto your farm. Biosecurity has three (3) major components: 1.     Isolation 2.     Traffic control 3.     Sanitation Biosecurity Measures: 1. Fencing: Stop access of local chicken, villagers, and other intruders into your farm. 2. Keep visitors to a minimum: Egg buyers visit many farms in a day collecting eggs, so they can easily transmit disease if not properly handled. Allowing in anyone in and out of the farm can easily lead to spread of disease. 3. Limit visitations to other poultry farms, and limit your associations with other farmers: Some diseases like Gumboro are carried onto the farm, and our shoes, our vehicles, our clothes etc. can carry these infections. 4. Keep all animals and wild birds out of poultry houses: Some of the wild birds can harbour diseases, but don't get affected and when brought nearer to our flocks, the disease gets a

Common chicken diseases; causes, symptoms and treatment you should know

Chicken diseases are a common occurrence in poultry farming. These illnesses can be fatal if not treated immediately. Thankfully, most chicken diseases are preventable with careful biosecurity practices . Chicken diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites. Viral diseases are the most common and are easy to prevent with injection vaccination. Bacterial infections are also common, but your poultry can be vaccinated against that as well. Parasitic diseases are rarer but treatable with medications. The main external parasites that are problematic for poultry are  mites and lice . Mite parasites feed on the blood of chickens and can cause anaemia and possible death, while lice feed on dander and feathers. Also, infection is another common cause of chicken diseases. Most chicken diseases occur due to poor sanitation; this allows infections to spread rapidly. These are some of the common poultry diseases and their treatment that farmers should know about to avoid the spread out