Onion farming is rising in popularity in Africa because it is very affordable to start and run. This kind of agriculture has high returns. Again, onion farming can be done comfortably in greenhouses and open gardens. For you to succeed as an onion farmer, you have to apply various onion farming tips. These tips will enable you to enjoy massive profits from your onion farming efforts. 1. Some top onion farming tips Planting To start with, you should select a location that is free of shade and one that can access full sun directly. The soils of the area need to be well drained and with high nitrogen content. Loose soil is the most preferable since compact soil lowers bulb development. Nourishment tips Apply aged manure during planting or use fertilizer on the fall before planting. Note that onions are one kind of a plant that show heavy feeding and demand continued nourishment for them to produce large bulbs desired in the market. During planting, it’s advisable to mix in some ...
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