The use of plastic mulches along with the use of drip irrigation has many benefits such as: 1. Soil Temperature The use of plastic mulch alters soil temperature. Dark mulches and clear mulches applied to the soil intercept sunlight warming the soil allowing earlier planting as well as encouraging faster growth early in the growing season. White mulch reflects heat from the sun effectively reducing soil temperature. This reduction in temperature may help establish plants in mid-summer when cooler soil might be required. 2. Soil Moisture Retention Plastic mulches reduce the amount of water lost from the soil due to evaporation. This means less water will be needed for irrigation. Plastic mulches also aid in evenly distributing moisture to the soil which reduces plant stress. Plastic mulching film create a barrier of photosynthesis and avoid to rise of other plants. 3. Weed Management Plastic mulches prevent sunlight from reaching the soil which can inhibit most annual and per...
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