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4 causes of early chick mortality and 14 ways to reduce the mortality

Chicks are very frail, especially during the first few weeks of their life. Hence, it is imperative to have sound management to keep your flock healthy. Moreover, irrespective of the quality of the chicks supplied/procured and the robustness of management, early chick mortality cannot be avoided entirely. 1 - 5% of mortality is normal in a poultry farm; however, anything higher than this should be taken seriously. A high mortality rate is indicative that something is wrong with the flock, and it demands the poultry owner’s immediate intervention and appropriate action to stop further losses as failure to do so may lead to huge losses. Many factors cause early chick mortality, such as genetic, management, disease, and nutritional causes. Here in this post, we are sharing about the cause of early chick mortality and ways to reduce the chick mortality. ▪ What causes early chick mortality? There are a number of causes of early chick mortality. However, the most common factors ar...

7 Benefits of using Plastic Mulches coupled with Drip Irrigation

The use of plastic mulches along with the use of drip irrigation has many benefits such as: 1. Soil Temperature The use of plastic mulch alters soil temperature. Dark mulches and clear mulches applied to the soil intercept sunlight warming the soil allowing earlier planting as well as encouraging faster growth early in the growing season. White mulch reflects heat from the sun effectively reducing soil temperature. This reduction in temperature may help establish plants in mid-summer when cooler soil might be required. 2. Soil Moisture Retention Plastic mulches reduce the amount of water lost from the soil due to evaporation. This means less water will be needed for irrigation. Plastic mulches also aid in evenly distributing moisture to the soil which reduces plant stress. Plastic mulching film create a barrier of photosynthesis and avoid to rise of other plants. 3. Weed Management Plastic mulches prevent sunlight from reaching the soil which can inhibit most annual and per...

Developing and Managing a Small Beef Cattle Herd

Raising cattle properly requires money, land and skill. Do you have enough of each to enter this business? Equally importantly, do you have a genuine interest in cattle? A cattle enterprise can involve raising calves for slaughter, but it should be borne in mind that working with calves requires effort and patience. Beef farming slots in well with other agricultural enterprises, especially grain. Cattle can feed on resources that have little other use, such as crop residue and land not suitable for crops. Before entering the cattle business, though, you should consider your resources, the land available and your level of interest and skill. You should know why you want to rear cattle, and be able to set yourself goals to achieve the most constant economic return or personal satisfaction. These must be clearly defined and achievable in a realistic time-frame. If not, your operation will lack focus. A small-scale cattle enterprise can involve a growing and feeding system (calve...

What You Need To Do To Make Money in Poultry Farming

If you are just  starting poultry farming as a beginner,  then definitely, you will need to think of how to make money in your business. In this article, you will find core ideas that will help you to make money from your poultry farm. So, if you are ready for this, let’s dive right in. 1. Housing system: This is a very important factor you need to put into consideration, no matter the number of birds you are keeping the housing can make or destroy your success in poultry farming. If you have successfully worked on the housing system more than 40% of problems have been solved. I have met some farmers who have poorly constructed houses. Some poultry houses are as a result of poor housing. Ensure that you source for the services of a good poultry house mason. Note that housing is the second most expense of the poultry venture after feeds. 2. Feed and feeding: You need to map out a feasibility studies on poultry farming before you kick-start anything this will go a ...

Guidelines on How to Write a Poultry Farm Business Plan

The importance of writing a business plan for your new or existing poultry business can never be underestimated. It will give you more clarity about your business and it can be used to attract investors or to apply for a loan or grant. Unless you have your intentions for your business written down, you might miss an opportunity to communicate it to someone else or even to clarify things for yourself. Whether you’re starting or expanding a poultry business, writing a business plan will help you become clear about what you want to do and how you will be going about it. Most emerging poultry farmers will have to make use of loans or grants when starting their business. In order to access these, you will need to write a business plan and submit it to your prospective financier or grant officer. What is a Business Plan? A business plan is a basic outline of what your business is all about. It must serve as an action plan and guideline for you to use on a daily basis. The essence of it i...

Modern onion farming tips in Africa

Onion farming is rising in popularity in Africa because it is very affordable to start and run. This kind of agriculture has high returns. Again, onion farming can be done comfortably in greenhouses and open gardens. For you to succeed as an onion farmer, you have to apply various onion farming tips. These tips will enable you to enjoy massive profits from your onion farming efforts. 1. Some top onion farming tips Planting To start with, you should select a location that is free of shade and one that can access full sun directly. The soils of the area need to be well drained and with high nitrogen content. Loose soil is the most preferable since compact soil lowers bulb development. Nourishment tips Apply aged manure during planting or use fertilizer on the fall before planting. Note that onions are one kind of a plant that show heavy feeding and demand continued nourishment for them to produce large bulbs desired in the market. During planting, it’s advisable to mix in some ...

Cabbage Pests and Diseases: How to Deal with Them

Cabbage is vulnerable to several pests and diseases. All can be controlled to a greater or lesser extent, but in some cases the only solution is to plant a resistant variety. 1. Cabbage worms, Cabbage loopers Affected Area : Leaf Description : Loopers are caterpillars that are generally green or greyish, taking on the colour of the host plant. They may blend well and be difficult to see. They eventually develop into white- or yellow-winged butterflies often seen fluttering about the plants. Caterpillars feed on the underside of leaves leaving ragged holes sometimes to the extent that plants starve and die. Control : Spray with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Comercially available as Dipel or Thuricide.) 2. Cutworms Affected Area : Stem Description : Plants chewed off just above ground level. Cutworms are caterpillars 1 1/2″ long and mottled or striped green, brown or grey. When they are disturbed, they roll up in a coil. They usually position themselves at the moisture line i...