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Planning for a Chicken Hatchery Business

Egg cleaning before putting them in an incubator As opposed to natural methods where the hen sits on the eggs, commercial hatcheries customarily rely on artificial incubators. Chicken hatchery business is more than the ordinary raising of chicken. It basically entails the regular production and supply of day old chicks by artificial incubation. There can be variations in the nature of the hatcheries such that it may be part of a breeding farm, an arrangement where day old chicks and parent stocks are produced or where the breeding stock is not maintained but eggs are purchased to produce day old chicks. A vibrant parent stork that supplies the eggs for hatching has to be maintained if eggs are not going to be purchased. Young chicks that are not going to be sold must be considered as well as adult chicken that go broody. Other poultry species such as ducks, turkeys , guinea fowl , quails and pigeons can also be integrated into the hatchery. Planning the Hatchery Licence You...

Calendar Guide for Beef Cattle

January 1.     End of bulling for mature cows on 31 st January. 2.     Deworm all stock above 6 months against liverfluke, in problem areas. 3.     Deworm against roundworms, on badly affected properties. 4.     Pay attention to fly control. 5.     Weekly dipping to control ticks, particularly brown ear tick adults. 6.     Dipping may be reduced if cattle have been vaccinated against tick borne diseases. 7.     Tick borne diseases are a menace at this time, particularly theileriosis (January disease). 8.     Cattle to be on phosphate/salt supplementation. February 1.     Pregnancy diagnosis for heifers. 2.     Weaning of calves. 3.     Vaccinate weaners and yearling against contagious abortion and blackleg. 4.     Booster vaccinate yearling against blackleg, at 18 months of age. ...