Purple, green, orange, yellow, red? No, these aren’t colours of
M&Ms. These are some of the colours you’ll see on agriculture crop seeds
that have been treated with the latest technologies to fight diseases and
pests. Treating seed is nothing new. Farmers have been using different types of
seed treatments dating clear back to 60 A.D. In this blog post, you’ll learn
more about how farmers use them today and why.
So, just what is Seed Treatment?
Seed treating is the act of applying a product to a seed prior to
planting. When seeds go into the ground, there are many diseases and pests just
waiting to take advantage of those young seeds and seedlings for their own
benefit. Farmers want to protect their investment so treating seed is one way to
help prevent crop loss.
There are a variety of treatments, but the main categories include
fungicides, insecticides, and antimicrobial products.
- Fungicides are
chemical compounds or organisms used to kill fungi or their spores. Typically,
two or three fungicides are used at a time.
- Insecticides are
substances used to kill insects. In any given field, many different insects
want to feed on the seed. Insecticides help protect against both the actual
insect as well as their eggs or larvae.
- Antimicrobial is
an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth. These biological treatments
can also help plants in other ways such as producing their own nitrogen or
helping to extend root systems.
Why Do Farmers Use Seed Treatments?
Every year, between 20 to 40 percent of yield is lost due to
pathogens, insects and weeds, according to Bayer Crop Science. Maybe
this is why treating seed has been around for centuries. Farmers throughout history
have been trying to find ways to protect their crops from damage. The earliest
reported use of a seed treatment dates back to 60 A.D. when wine and crushed
cypress leaves were used to protect seed from storage insects, according to
the American
Seed Trade Association.
Besides farm equipment, the purchase of seeds is one of the most
expensive products a farmer must purchase. And it’s an annual purchase.
Farmers and companies that support those farmers continually
want to find ways to protect the value of the seed as economically and
environmentally responsible as possible. Seed treatments are one way farmers
can protect the seed’s value. Seed treatments can also be a more
environmentally friendly way of using pesticides and insecticides. Smaller
amounts of these chemicals can be used to benefit the seed when comparing seed
treatments to spraying.
Benefits of Seed Treatments
- Seed treatments protect seeds and seedlings against early-season insect pests and diseases.
- Results in stronger, healthier plants, and higher crop yields.
- Allows for more accuracy and efficiency in crop production inputs.
- Reduces the environmental impact of the production process by decreasing the number of spray applications needed on any given field. In short, using treated seed allows for less spraying during the growing season. This helps lessen the exposure to pollinators and other wildlife.
- By applying colour with the treated seed, farmers can tell immediately what type of seed and chemical solution is on the seed in the case of accidental spills.
Seed Treatment Safety
Source: GMO
Agriculture is one of the most heavily regulated industries. It can
take a decade or more for a new trait to go from an idea to a seed in the
field. New products – both seed and chemical applications alike – go through
years of research and testing. Once products are ready for market, agencies
such as the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), U.S.
Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) evaluate the product
for safety purposes.
Treated seeds are no different. Farmers are required to follow safe handling procedures to protect the food industry, wildlife, and the environment. Here are just a few of the procedures farmers must follow to protect the environment.
- Know which treatments seeds have received to ensure proper handling.
- Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling treated seed.
- Clean up spills immediately.
- Avoid generating dust when handling treated seed.
- Properly dispose of leftover treated seed.
Ultimately, farmers want to give their seeds the best possible
chance to mature to a healthy plant ready to harvest. They deeply care for the
land, which has likely been in their family for generations and want to see
that land continue to produce crops not only for their family but also the
world. Seed treatments are one of the tools in their toolbox to help them to
just that.
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