Poultry refers to birds that are kept by man
for economic reasons of obtaining meat, eggs and other products and also for
aesthetic or social reasons. The most reared type of poultry is the chicken.
Systems of Poultry Production
In poultry production, there are several ways
of keeping poultry. The system of poultry production adopted will depend on a
number of factors, among them:
Knowledge of the poultry business
Types of birds
Land availability and location of the farm
Traditional Production or Extensive system
This is the most common system. As such, this
is the only system we are going to look at. Under this system, we have:
Pastured poultry
Yard and crop
a. Pastured Poultry
Term used to describe a modification of
free-range. A field pen is used where the grazing area and bird density are
strictly controlled. Birds are pastured in floorless pens and moved daily
usually in a rotation following cattle.
b. Semi-intensive
Refers to permanent housing with access
provided to a yard or pasture. Birds in this system should be rotated to
different yards, otherwise they will quickly turn a yard into bare soil.
c. Yard and Crop
A catch-all term referring to poultry
operations that do not include a formal plan for rotating pasture or have no
pasture access at all. Birds are allowed to roam the farm at will, shutting
them up only at night for protection.
d. Innovative
Birds forage fallow land in a floorless pen
which is moved daily. Birds feed on weeds, seeds, and insects, as well as
depositing manure on the ground. The field will be rotated to crop production
the following season.
e. Free-range
The free-range is the oldest system and has
been practiced from the time man began to rear birds. The system allows birds
to roam at will all over an almost unlimited area of land where they scavenge
for herbage, seeds, insects, etc.
Free-range chicken farming is a very profitable
business, and many people are making money all over the world by raising free-range
and backyard chickens. However, to build a successful, sustainable free-range
poultry farming business, you require sufficient knowledge of how to efficiently
raise free-range organic chickens, good management skills, and a good poultry
farming business plan.
You have to decide on the size of your project
i.e. the number of birds you want to keep per cycle; location of the business
e.g. a poultry farm, and your target market. These choices will be affected by
the amount of capital you have, and the size of your target market. If
you do not have a lot of capital, you can always start small and grow your
business overtime. You also need to carry out market research (Who are you
going to sell the birds to? At what price?) And write a business plan before
you venture into the poultry business.
1. What You Need
i. Land, Housing and Equipment
The kind of housing you need and the size of
the land will depend on the size of your poultry project. When choosing the
location for your poultry business, you have to balance the need for proximity
to the market, with the cost of land, labour costs, security, and a good water
supply. When you are planning to construct a free-range chicken house, you have
to select a site which is well-drained with plenty of natural air
movement. The right housing should have proper ventilation and the right
lighting. Ventilation is necessary so that adequate air exchange can take
place. Lighting stimulates hens to lay eggs. If you want to produce eggs
year-round, you will need to install adequate lighting in your facility. You
should have equipment including feeders, drinkers, lighting system and nest
Free-range chickens and backyard chickens need
sufficient space for them to grow well, they should not be crowded, otherwise
they may suffocate to death and that will lead to a loss in your business.
Each free-range chicken requires about 0.1 square meters of floor space
which translates to 10 birds per square meter. So the size of the free-range
chicken house will depend on the number of birds to be reared. Your
housing can be barns, chicken runs or hutches, and the cost of construction
will depend on the materials used, and the size of the free-range poultry
house. The free-range chickens and backyard chickens also need pasture for them
to forage. One of the major difference between broiler
chickens and free-range chickens, is that broilers are raised
indoors, confined to the broiler house, while free-range chickens will spend
most of the day outside, foraging the pasture and vegetation.
ii. Day Old Chicks
You need day old chicks to start your free-range
chicken and backyard poultry farming business. After getting experience,
you may then hatch your own chicks, which will greatly reduce your expenses as
you will no longer need to buy day old chicks. You should purchase your
day old chicks from a reliable accredited hatchery or company where the parent
stocks are well managed. If you are new to the free-range poultry business, you
should enquire from other farmers to hear where they buy their chicks
from. The success of your free-range poultry and backyard chicken business
will partly depend on the quality of day old chicks which you buy.
2. Chicken Breeds
There are many different breeds of chicken, and
the right breed to choose will depend on your needs. You can do a free-range
chicken business for selling meat, for selling eggs, or for both meat and eggs.
The Rhode Island Red chicken breed can be raised for both meat and eggs.
They produce about 250 eggs per year. The Light Sussex chicken breed is also a
dual purpose breed, for both meat and egg production. White Leghorns breed
chickens are usually used as layer birds. They can lay up to 300 eggs a year,
each egg weighing a minimum of 55 grams. The Boschveld chicken breed is
usually found in Africa, and it can withstand varying climatic conditions. It’s
also a dual purpose breed, which can be raised for both meat and egg
production. There are many other breeds which include Golden
Comet, Ameraucana, Barred Plymouth Rock, Golden Laced
Wyandottes, Australorp etc.
3. Feed and Nutrition
Feeding is important so as to increase the
production of meat and eggs from the free-range chickens and backyard chickens.
Lack of feed or water will reduce resistance to diseases and parasites, and
subsequently increase flock mortality. In a free-range poultry rearing system,
adult hens and cocks ought to be given enough time and space for scavenging in
the surroundings daily. The best time for scavenging is early morning and late
afternoon when there are plenty of insects and less heat. Supplementary feeds
should be offered in the morning and evening when the free-range chickens come
back for the night. Clean water should be provided in shady areas during the
day to avoid heat stress. You will also need proper vaccines and medications to
prevent diseases and promote growth of your free-range and backyard chickens.
The advantage of rearing free-range chickens is
that they will get most of their food from scavenging the surroundings, thus
the feed costs are minimized. However, if you are keeping free-range chickens
for commercial purposes, food from foraging the surroundings is not enough. You
will need to supplement their diet with commercial stock feeds, or your own
home made feed. You can also give them maize, sorghum, wheat, rice etc.
4. Management and Labour
The number of farm workers you need will depend
on the size of your free-range and backyard chicken project. If you are running
a small business e.g. 100 birds/cycle, you and your family may be enough to
take care of the chickens. However, if you are rearing 2000 birds per cycle,
you will need full time employees to manage the free-range chickens. There
is need for good technical knowledge of free-range chickens rearing techniques
for success in the business. You also need good management skills.
5. Capital
The amount of capital required for a free-range
poultry farming business depends on the scale of the project. Sources of
capital include bank loans, and equity investors. Don’t have access to capital?
Start small, and grow your business overtime! Free-range chickens are very
profitable, so if you reinvest the profits you get, you can quickly
grow. You will require a good free-range chicken and eggs production
business plan to guide you in your business.
6. Market for Free-range Chickens, Meat and Eggs
The market for free-range chickens is high and
increasing, as more people are moving towards organic and healthier food. Many
people prefer organic free-range chicken meat, as compared to broiler chicken
meat. This is because free-range chickens are highly nutritious, delicious,
organic, and healthier. Thus, the demand for free-range organic chicken meat
continues to rise. Free-range chickens have a higher price than broiler
chickens, as they are considered to be more superior.
The eggs from free-range chickens are also
considered to be superior as compared to the eggs from commercial indoor layers
chickens. Free-range chicken eggs are considered to be highly nutritious,
delicious, organic, and healthier. Thus, the price of free-range organic eggs
is higher as compared to the usual poultry eggs. You can supply your free-range
chicken meat and eggs to individual households, butchers, schools,
restaurants, companies, supermarkets, organizations, events, abattoirs etc. You
can sell your free-range chicken as live birds or you can slaughter and freeze
them and sell them as dressed chicken. As you grow your business, you will
also be able to export your free-range organic products.
· Modern Livestock and Poultry
Production by James R. Gillespie
· Monogastric Production – Sub
module 1 by R. Nkamba
· Developing a Free-range Poultry
Enterprise by Terry Poole
· Improved Village Poultry Keeping - A Trainers Handbook by Russell Parker.
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