Wheat is the most important grain crop and a staple food for more than one-third of the world population. The major area of the wheat in Pakistan lies in Punjab followed by Sindh. However, the yield per hectare is slightly higher in Sindh as compared to Punjab. It ranks first as a cereal crop in the country being followed up by rice only in acreage and production. Wheat crop is subjected to several diseases, which are responsible for reducing its overall production to a great extent because wheat plants in all stages of growth and all-natural environments are subject to various mechanical, environmental, physiologic and biological stresses that interfere with their normal growth and development. Weather, toxicants, pollutants, insects, viruses, fungi, nematodes, bacteria and weeds are primary hazards to wheat production.
The actual number of wheat diseases is
unknown, nearly 200 have been reported. Over 100 infectious diseases caused by
pathogens and with weeds are parasitic and transmissible from plant to plant.
Amongst such diseases, about 50 are routinely important economically (Wiese,
1987). Overall, all diseases are injurious in some areas, in some years and on
some plant parts. All parts of the plant are subject to disease and one or more
diseases can occur on virtually every plant and in every field. All draw
attention because of symptoms or signs and generate great concern because of
their effects on the quality and/or quantity of plants, straw or grain.
In Pakistan, 50 diseases are reported
to occur (Anonymous, 2000) and are important economically. The rusts are most
destructive and also the most widely recognized diseases of wheat crop. They
occur in almost all wheat-growing regions of the world, as well as all areas of
Pakistan, where wheat crop is grown. The record showed that there has been a
severe attack of black stem rust of wheat in 1906-1908 at Mirpurkhas, Sindh
(Kamal and Moahal, 1968); yellow or stripe and orange or leaf rust of wheat in
1978 at all over wheat-growing areas of Pakistan (anonymous, 2000).
However, the causes, symptoms,
preventive and curative control measures of some important diseases of wheat,
are being summarized hereunder, while for details, the selected bibliography
may also help the growers, extension and research workers.
1. Black stem rust of wheat
Causal Organism: Puccinia graminis
Symptoms: Long and narrow
streaks or pustules are formed on all green parts of the plant viz: stem, leaf
sheath, leaves, and ear heads. These pustules are brick red in the beginning
and become black at the end of the season or when plants reach maturity. Moist
and warm weather favours the development of this disease, which usually appears
at the heading stage.
Perpetuation: The
disease starts from wind-borne spores, which probably travel from hills to
plains. The fungus completes its life cycle on barberry plants in Murree.
1. Cultivation of
resistant varieties.
2. Cultivation of
early sowing and early maturing varieties.
3. Avoiding thick
sowing and heavy irrigation.
4. Destroying the
weed plants and diseased tillers.
5. Avoiding heavy
doses of nitrogenous fertilizers.
6. Judicious use
of potassic fertilizer help in minimizing the susceptibility of plants.
2. Orange or leaf rust of wheat
Causal Organism: Puccinia recondita
Symptoms: Small
pustules are formed scattered chiefly on the surface of leaves, very rare
elsewhere. These pustules are orange or brown in the beginning and become black
when plants reach maturity. Moist and moderate temperature (18-20°c), favour
the development and spread of this disease, which appears earlier than black
stem rust.
Perpetuation: As in
case of black stem rust.
Control: As in
case of black stem rust.
3. Yellow or stripe rust of wheat
Casual Organism: Puccinia striiformis
Symptoms: Very small (Smaller
than in orange rust) pustules are formed in stripes on leaves and ears (and all
green parts of the plants). These pustules are bright yellow in the beginning
and become black, when plants reach maturity. Moist and cold weather (about 15°C)
favour the disease. It is first of the three rusts that appear on wheat.
Perpetuation: As in stem rust
Control: As in
stem rust.
4. Loose smut of wheat
Casual organisms: Ustilago tritici
Symptoms: Diseased ears
are black and contain black powder of smut spores instead of grains. Initially,
spores are covered by a white or silvery membrane, which burst and spores are
blown away by the wind leaving behind only naked rachis. Infected ears appear
somewhat earlier than the normal ones.
Perpetuation: Perpetuates
from infected grains took normally.
1. Cultivation of
resistant varieties.
2. To rogue out
and destroy the diseased ears.
3. Use the seed
obtained from a healthy crop.
4. In case the
healthy seed is not available, treat the seed as:
(a) Solar energy method: Soak the seed
for 4-5 hours in ordinary water, in the month of May-June or July on a hot day,
when the temperature becomes high, dry it in a thin layer (of about 3 inches)
from 8 to 12 noon and kept it for planting.
(b) Tapke’s method: Direct soaking
of seed in hot water at 48°c for one hour and fifty minutes. Cool and dry
before planting.
(c) Hot water treatment: Initially,
soak the seed in ordinary water for about 4 hours, then dip in hot water at
52°c for 10 minutes. After that cool and dry it in shade before planting.
(d) Anaerobic seed treatment: The seed may
soak for 6 hours in the water, drain, place in an airtight container for 30
hours at 28°c, dry and use for planting.
(e) Chemical seed treatment: Treat the seed
before sowing by using seed dressing fungicides vis: Vitavax, Benlate, Baytan,
Topsin, etc. at the rate of 2g/kg seed.
5. Flag smut or leat smut of wheat
Causal organism: Urocystis tritici
Symptoms: Long dark
streaks parallel to the veins appear on leaf blades and become swollen, turn
black, rupture and expose black powder with age. The affected leaves wither,
twist and drop with result in the death of the whole plant. It may also appear
on the sheaths and occur sometimes on the stem and very rarely on the ears. In
case of severe infection, every shoot of the plant becomes infected. Very
frequently, the ears are replaced by a twisted mass of leaves, do not bear any
grain, but if the grain is formed, it is always much shrivelled and useless.
Perpetuation: The disease
is perpetuated through seed-borne and/or soil-borne spores, which can survive
in the soil for up to three years.
1. Cultivation of
resistant varieties.
2. Early planting.
3. Using the wet
method of sowing i.e. irrigating just after sowing.
4. Crop rotation.
5. Use of healthy
seeds obtained from healthy crops and sowing in healthy soil.
6. Green manuring
with guar reduces the incidence.
7. Rogue out and
burn the infected plants.
8. Chemical seed
treatment, as recommended previously.
6. Old or complete bunt or stinking smut of wheat
Causal organism: Tilletia foetida or T.
caries or T. tritici
Symptoms: Diseased
ears are darker in colour and contain defected grains, which are found to be
filled with black powder of scores, on crushing, give out bad smell like that
of rotten fish. The diseased plants are sometimes stunted in growth. All the
grains of an ear become infected and get very much reduced in size.
Perpetuation: Primarily is
seed-borne, but is also soil-borne.
1. Cultivation of
resistant varieties.
2. Use of healthy
seed in healthy soils.
3. Prefer early
planting, using the wet method of sowing (irrigation just after sowing).
4. Rogue out and
burn the infected ears before harvesting and/or threshing.
5. Treat the seed
with seed dressing fungicides as recommended for loose smut of wheat.
7. New or partial bunt or karnal bunt of wheat
Causal organism: Tilletia indica
Symptoms: When the grains
ripen, the diseased spikelets are more open, the outer glumes spread out giving
enough space and bunted grains become visible. Only individual grains are
infected and are also partially affected, generally at the tips of grains. The
prepared flour is of dark colour and gives out foul smell.
Perpetuation: Soil-Borne
spores causes infection through wind at flowering stage.
1. Cultivation of
wheat varieties resistant to disease or to lodging.
2. Collection and
burning of infected ear heads.
3. Avoiding
threshing a diseased crop in field.
4. Time of sowing
and long range crop rotation can reduce incidence.
5. Avoiding heavy
manuring and heavy irrigation.
8. Ear cockle or tundo of wheat
Causal organism: It is caused
by the nematode Angullulina tritici. Sometimes, a
bacterium corynebacterium tritici is also associated with nematode,
therefore the disease also named as yellowing rot.
Symptoms: Leaves become
rolled, wrinkled, turn yellow and die. Stems are twisted, heads are distorted,
yellowish, gummy and sticky, spikelets are rotting, and grains are replaced by
hard, small, light brown to dark coloured nematode galls. Affected plants are
shorter and grains are very much lighter in weight.
Perpetuation: Nematode
can remain dormant in the grains having galls over a period of more than 10
years and are capable to cause.
1. Use of healthy
seed (free from galls).
2. Separate out
the galls by winnowing and sieving.
3. The seeds can
be freed from galls by floating in ordinary water or 20% common salt solution,
but salt should be removed/washed out with water, and seed dried before sowing.
9. Foot rot, leaf spot and black complex
Causal organism: Helminthosporium
Symptoms: Foot rot
disease make its appearance in seedling stage, either the seeds rot in the soil
or seedlings show rotting of roots and brown spots develop on the lower parts
of the stem. The affected seedlings ultimately die and result in thinning of
the crop. In the adult crop, the disease known as leaf spots, because it
appears on the lower leaves forming oval to oblong spots. Such spots enlarge
and ultimately affected leaves turn brown. If the plants either do not develop
grains or the grains produced are shrivelled and sometimes have black tips, it
termed as Black point complex.
It is also pertinent to mention here
that Alternaria, Fusarium, Curvularia,
Stemphylium and Penicilium species were also isolated from the
black tips of the grains.
Perpetuation: The
disease causing fungus Helminthsporium satvum perpetuates through
seed borne or soil borne infection, present in the diseased seeds or plant
debris lying in the field.
1. Sowing healthy
seed obtained from healthy crop.
2. Application of
nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizer or farm yard manure in places where
severe infections occur.
3. When the
disease make its appearance, apply irrigation immediately to the crop.
4. Carryout late
5. Chemical seed
treatment as mentioned before.
10. Septoria leaf spots
Causal organism: Septoria tritici
Symptoms: The affected
leaves show yellow patches from a distance, but on close examination, the
diseased leaves show the presence of small black dot-like structures (fruiting
bodies of the causal fungus). Sometimes this disease appears in combination with
rusts of wheat.
Perpetuation: The
disease perpetuates through diseased plant portions lying in the field or from
diseased wheat straw bits mixed with the seeds.
1. Cultivation of
resistant varieties.
2. Burn crop
residues or bury the diseased plant debris by plowing
it into the field, after harvesting.
Selected bibliography
· Anonymous,
2000. Wheat rust. (in Urdu). CDRI,
TARC, Karachi 75270.
· Hafeez, A.
1986. Plant Diseases. PARC,
· Kamal, M. and
S.M. Moghal. 1968. Studies on Plant
Diseases of South West Pakistan. ARI, TandoJam.
· Pandey, B.P.
1992. A test Book of Plant
Pathology-Pathogen and Plant Diseases.
· Wiese, M.V.
1987. Compendium of Wheat Diseases.
The American Phytopathological Society.
author is Asstt. Professor (Plant Pathology) Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam
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