Housing Hydroponics Trays
The hydroponic installation needs to be housed in a simple facility
that will allow for a semi-controlled environment for better fodder growth. The
following are the basic environmental requirements for best fodder growth:
1. Ideal temperature
for growth is 19 - 22°C;
2. The trays
should never be exposed to direct sunlight, strong wind and heavy rain.
The housing can be made of inexpensive locally available materials;
Inexpensive and durable plastic sheeting can be applied
to further prevent exposure to wind, direct sunlight and rain. It will also
slightly increase the humidity inside the hydroponic facility which is
desirable in low humidity environment;
The facility floor must be solid (compacted earth,
concrete, cobblestone or similar).
The floor needs to allow for easy drainage of excess water coming from either
the hydroponic installation or the water used for washing the trays, soaking
the seeds, etc.;
The floor needs to be kept free of any unnecessary
equipment, garbage, vessels and other objects that may serve as a hiding place
for rodents and harbour other contaminants such as mould;
The approach and entrance to the facility needs to be
wide enough for ease of operation in bringing inputs in and fodder out and fitted
with a light door.
Hydroponics Housing
This is a custom built structure whose role is to provide a
temperature controlled environment for the growing of fodder. It is built using
Hydroponics cloth, timber and has a concrete floor. Inside the housing, there
is shelving upon which the trays on which fodder is grown are placed. It is
built according to the needs of the farmer, their financial ability and their
farm location.
These are photo-chemically treated trays to prevent fungus on which
the fodder is grown.
The best seed for growing hydroponics fodder is barley. However,
other cereals like wheat and sorghum can be used.
Hydroponics Nutrients
These are specially formulated liquid mineral nutrients required for
the growth of the fodder. They help in making the fodder more nutritious.
This is where
we will be ending our discussion for today. Remember to share your comments views and opinions.
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