The Kuroiler chicken is a dual purpose hybrid breed developed in India. It was created by Vinod Kapur of Kegg Farms Private Ltd. in the early 1990s. And the name ‘Kuroiler’ is a portmanteau of Kegg and Broiler. The Kuroiler chicken was created by crossing either White Leghorn roosters with Rhode Island Red hens, or coloured broiler roosters crossed with Rhode Island Red hens. The eggs of Kuroiler chickens are hatched in more than a thousand ‘mother units’ throughout the country, instead of raising all in a central hatchery. Then are distributed down to the individual villages as day-old poultry chicks. And the breed is very popular among the large numbers of landless or smallholder farmers in India.
of rearing Kuroilers as compared to other breeds:
1. They
mature faster than ordinary chicken:
The Kuroiler chickens begin laying eggs at five months. Once they
start, they will lay continuously for a period of 2 years.
2. They
are scavengers:
Kuroiler chicken perform quite well under what experts call
“scavenging conditions”. You can feed them on animal or plant remains. Unlike
other breeds, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to feed them. The Kuroiler
eggs also contain more nutrients thanks to their scavenging lifestyle which
exposes them to more nutrients during their feeding.
3. They
are as good as indigenous chicken:
As we all know, indigenous chicken produce tastier meat than modern
breeds. Also, indigenous breeds are known for laying yellow york eggs which are
extremely nutritious. Kuroiler chicken are just like indigenous chicken, their
meat is tasty and they lay yellow York eggs.
4. High
One thing about this chicken is that despite being a hardy breed,
it is not encumbered by low productivity. While indigenous chicken produce
about 40 eggs per year, Kuroiler does about 150 eggs in the same period.
5. Kuroiler
chicken grow faster:
Perhaps this is the biggest advantage of the Kuroiler chickens.
They grow very fast. The best thing is that they grow fast without any special
commercial feeding. They can put on weight very quickly in scavenging
environment while feeding on leftovers of food, grass, termites and many other
kinds of food.
6. Get more
meat with Kuroiler:
The Kuroiler chickens will mature in 10 weeks compared to other
ordinary birds which can take as many as months before they mature. At
maturity, the Kuroiler chickens will weigh up to 3.5kg which makes them better
than broilers which generally weigh 2.0 to 2.5kg at maturity.
7. Hatchability:
The only disadvantage with this breed is that Kuroiler will not
brood or sit on their eggs. However, when their eggs are put in the incubators
or hatchery, they produce good hatchability results. You can get hatchability
of 80% and above.
This is
where we will be ending our discussion for today.
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