Take note that
this write up is based on 1 hectare and the prices attached are subject to
change depending on the time of purchase and this is just a guide for farmers
that want maximum production.
1. Seed:
We have
different types of seed varieties on the market, contact seed companies for
different types of varieties available. If you can’t avoid to buy certified
seed, you can also plant recycled seed which we call farm seed, below are some
recommended certified seed varieties:
a) Spike
b) Safari
c) Dina
d) Lukanga
e) Kafue
Seed Price: K650 to K700
per 25kg.
Seed requirement per hectare is 100kg
that’s 4 of the 25kg bags.
Total price of seed per ha is K700 × 4
= K2, 800/ha which will be spent for seed purchase in a hectare.
2. Inoculation
It is important
that Soya bean seed is inoculated with an inoculant.
The inoculant will assist the Soya bean fix its own nitrogen into the soil,
this in turn will help you not to apply top-dressing (urea) and therefore, reduce
your cost of production.
For 100kg of seed you will need 300g of
inoculant, follow the instructions on the label on how to apply the inoculant
to the seed before planting.
Price for a sachet of inoculant is
K80/120g, two sachets will be enough to cover the 100kg of seed.
Inoculant K80 × 2 = K160/ha
3. Seed Dressing
This is
important as it will help protect your seed from soil insects and seedling diseases.
At Agricrop they have a product called Allstar (Imidacloprid
200g/kg + metalaxyl 200g/kg) which is used for this job. It comes in 35g pack
size at a price of K16. To cover 100kg of seed you will need 5 sachets of
Price: K16 × 5 =
Allstar provides protection against soil
insects and early disease.
4. Land Preparation and Planting Dates
Ensure to plant
on the 15th of November to 15th of December.
Delayed planting will reduce your yield potential. Avoid planting in January by
all means.
If land has been cultivated before, no
need to re-cultivate. Practice minimum tillage (i.e. less soil disturbance).
5. Fertilization
You can apply
D-compound at time of planting by spreading it lightly over the field soon
after planting, before crop emerges.
1 × 50kg (2 bags maximum) will be
sufficient for a hectare. Price is K620 × 2 = K1, 240
A booster can be applied before
flowering at around 30 to 35 days. Available booster from Agricrop services is
Application 1L/ha, price K135/ha
6. Spacing
a) Between the
lines 30cm
b) Between the
plants 5cm
c) Depth 2.5 –
d) Plant one seed
per station
7. Weed Management (Chemical Spray Program)
– 1st Spray Option
It’s import that pre-emergence herbicide is sprayed at time of planting or
within 3 days before the crop emerges, once these are sprayed it will give your
crop a good start.
Total cost for pre-emergence per
hectare will be K435. Recommended pre-emergence spray herbicides include a
spray combination of chase + claw + paraquat, these are be obtained from
Agricrop and are to be sprayed within 3 days of planting before the crop emerges.
– Spray Selective Herbicides
These herbicides should be sprayed
before the crop canopy. They will control very early broadleaf weeds and also
very late germinating broadleaf and grass weeds. Your total cost for this second spray per
hectare will be K250. Recommended post-emergence spray selective herbicides
include Forquiz and Limit obtained from Agricrop.
8. Insect Management
Ensure to scout for
insects immediately after crop emerges, and make spraying decisions. Common
insects found in Soya beans include; Bean leaf beetles, soybeans aphids, fall
armyworms, stink bugs, cutworms grasshopper etc. these vary from season to
season and farm to farm.
Available insecticides include;
Methomyl, Acetamiprid, Cyfos, Elufen etc. For prices for these products you can
call +260-9756-83867 (Henry).
9. Disease Management
Ensure to scout
for diseases once the crop emerges and make spraying decision, common disease
found in Soya beans include: Bacterial pustule, Fusarium wilt, powdery mildew,
and Septoria brown spot etc.
Available fungicides include: Royal top
which acts as a preventive fungicide recommended to be sprayed at 40 – 45 days.
Maxgarde applied at first sign of disease acts as a curative fungicide.
10. Maturity
Soya beans
matures at 90 – 100 days. At this time, it’s ready to be pulled out of the
11. Yield
With good
management you can get a yield of 4 tonnes/ha. On average most farmers are
getting 2 tons/ha.
Note: 1 ton is equivalent to 1000kg.
12. Total Expense in a Hectare
This is based
on the purchase of seed, fertilizer and chemicals above.
a) Seed total/ha
K2, 800
b) Fertilizer
total/ha K1, 240
c) Chemical
total/ha K960
Overall Total Cost/ha K5, 000
Soya beans selling price per 50kg bag,
let’s say it’s a good season, the price can get to about K400 to K500 per 50kg
bag and if you had a yield of 1.5 ton/ha that’s equivalent to 30 x 50kg bags of
soya beans.
13. Profit Calculations
Let’s say the
price is set at K450 per 50kg bag.
K450 × 30 bags = K13, 500, from this
amount you can deduct your expenses what remains is your profit.
For example, our expenses in this write
up was K5, 000. Therefore, to get our profit we will subtract the expenses from
the amount made after sales e.g. K13, 500 less K5, 000 = K8, 500. In this case
our profit will be K8, 500
For any questions and purchase of the listed chemicals you can contact Agronomist H. Kanyimbo on +260-9756-83867.
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