Rabbits are fast growing animals that take 4 to 5 months to mature for slaughter. They reproduce very fast, kindling (giving birth) four times a year to an average of 8 kits per kindle.
There are different breeds of rabbits available, the California
white, Chinchilla, Dutch, New Zealand white, Flemish giant, French lop and the
A male rabbit is called a buck while a female rabbit is a doe and
their young ones are called kits.
1. Rabbit Housing
Managing rabbits starts with constructing a proper house. A rabbit house is called a hutch and may be constructed with wood, concrete or iron sheets depending on the materials available to you.
Each adult rabbit should occupy its own hutch that measures 2.5ft
long x 2.5ft wide x 2ft high. The weaned kits may be placed in hutches 4.5ft x
2.5ft x 2ft.
Every doe’s hutch should have a nesting box, where she will give
birth and care for her litter.
The floor of the rabbit hutch should be made of chicken mesh
reinforced with a wire mesh to allow droppings to pass through, keeping the
rabbits in a clean and dry environment.
Most people use wood to make the floor of the rabbit hutch. This
soaks rabbit
urine and keeps the rabbit in a dump/moist environment that is
not easy to clean.
This makes the rabbits susceptible to sore hocks which are wounds
found at the base of the rabbits’ limbs. These wounds make it hard for the
rabbits to walk around and the buck’s ability to mount the doe during mating is
There should be a plastic sheet placed below the floor of the
rabbit’s hutch to help collect the rabbit’s urine and droppings and this should
be in a slanted direction to help the dung flow to a collecting gutter which
also slants to a collecting point.
This makes it easy to clean and keeps the floor area dry. The
outside structure that hosts the hutch can be made of wood or iron sheets.
The structure should face away from direct wind and the side that
faces away from the direct wind should have a space between the roof and the
wall for ventilation.
This space should be covered with chicken mesh to keep away cats and
other animals, including rats.
2. Rabbit Feeding
Rabbits are strict herbivorous and their diet should constitute of 80% fibre. Grass hay (Timothy hay or Rhodes grass) is rich in vitamin A and D, calcium, proteins among other nutrients.
Fibre promotes a healthy gastrointestinal tract and healthy teeth as
rabbit teeth are constantly growing and lack of fibre in diet causes
Any leafy greens that are eaten by humans are also safe for rabbits.
Sukuma wiki, carrot tops, ‘mchicha,’ ’mchunga’ etc. are safe leafy greens for
Other non-leafy greens like cabbages and carrots can also be fed. It
is important to gradually change from one leafy green to another as sudden
change may cause gastrointestinal upset.
There are available commercial rabbit pellets in agrovets that can
be fed to rabbits. A rabbit feeding schedule consists of:
i) Birth to 3 weeks – mother’s milk
ii) 3 to 7 weeks – mother’s milk and nibbles of pellets
iii) 2 months - 50g per rabbit per day (weaned rabbit)
iv) 3 months - 80g per rabbit per day (introduce vegetables)
v) 4 months - 100g per rabbit per day
vi) Pregnant does - 150g per rabbit per day
vii) Lactating does - 200g per rabbit per day
3. Rabbit Breeding
Rabbits are induced ovulators; their heat is stimulated by close proximity with a buck and ovulation will occur 10 to 12 hours after mating.
When breeding, the doe should be taken to the buck’s cage and not
vice versa. The buck marks his territory by urinating in his hutch.
The presence of the buck and the scent of his urine will stimulate
the doe to be on heat and mating will occur.
When the buck mates the doe he will fall flat on his back as a sign
of successful mating.
The doe should then be taken back to her hutch.
A farmer may check the pregnancy status of the doe by gently
palpating the abdomen a week after breeding. A small round mass will be felt as
a sign of pregnancy.
A rabbit that is near kindling will remove her fur from the abdomen
and place in the nesting box. This is meant to keep her kits warm as they are
born without fur.
Once born, it is critical to check if the kits are feeding. Well-fed
kits will have smooth hydrated skin and will spend most of the time sleeping.
Kits that appear dehydrated and keep moving from one part of the
nesting box to the other are hungry. This will indicate that the doe is not
feeding her young ones.
You may need to foster those kits to other lactating does. When
fostering, rub your hands in the fur of the doe that is receiving the kits and
also use her fur to collect the kits and place them on the nesting box.
This is done to pick the scent of the new mother as she may kill the
fostered kits with a foreign scent.
4. Common Rabbit
Rabbit diseases are mostly caused by poor hygiene and poor
nutrition. The most common is coccidiosis caused by protozoan parasite that
thrives well in moist and dirty environments.
The other common condition is bloating; this causes high mortality
in rabbits especially to weaners. This is caused by sudden change in feeds or
through overfeeding of concentrates (rabbit pellets).
Rabbits can also be affected by snuffles, a disease that is brought about
by a bacterial infection.
Rabbits with snuffles tend to sneeze and have a running nose. There
are many more common diseases.
Like other
livestock enterprises, rabbit farming is profitable as long as good management
is practiced.
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