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7 Things Farmers Should Know Before Entering the Year 2023

1. Entering into a new year casually without definite plans will slow things down for you. You should do all you can to enter consciously and strategically into the New Year. As you know, luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Try and create your own luck in the year 2023 no matter what.

2. Entering into the New Year with positivity will do great things for your farming business. I still maintain that Success in any business including farming is more than 50% psychological. If you believe that you will thrive and survive in 2023, nothing can stop you. You are the creator of your life and business experience.

3. Don’t carry only production orientation thinking into the New Year if you don’t want to be a victim of some ruthless Middlemen. Enter the New Year with the mind of a marketer. Believe me, only a marketing mind-set can greatly help you in life and business.

4. Closure of borders or not, non-efficient and mediocre farmers will continue to have challenges in the New Year. No matter what is done by the government to assist you in farming business, if you don’t take responsibility, you will be seriously limited.

5. If you are fond of responding slowly to customers’ enquiries, the coming New Year will be harsh to you because in business, the fast will always eat up the slow. Please read this point again and again. 

6. If you want to get a new positive result in the New Year, you will need to have a paradigm shift (mental shift) and engage new thinking. Do you remember the words of the famous physicist Albert Einstein, that it is insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result?

7. The farmers that will keep succeeding in the New Year and years to come must form better relationships with great experts, credible input suppliers, quality workers and super loyal customers. Please read this point again and again!

Please remember that when you are comfortable on your path, it doesn’t matter where it leads.

- Dr. Deji-Folutile


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