- Rape does well in warm seasons of the year. Optimum temperatures for growing are 20ºC to 25ºC, with minimum temperatures of 18ºC and maximum 30ºC.
- Popular Rape varieties are English Giant, Prior Rape and Hobson.
- A well-managed Rape crop should yield 5 tons per Lima with a leaf cutting period of 40 to 50 days.
- First leaves can be harvested 21 days after transplanting.
Preparation/Soil Type
- Deep well-drained loamy soils with a pH range from 5.5 to 6.5 is ideal for Rape.
- Effective rooting depth is 60cm.
- Plough and disc to a 60cm fine tilth seedbed.
- Avoid planting rape on land previously planted on other brassicas for at least one season.
and Transplanting
- Sow directly by drilling in the farrows 1 to 2cm deep or raise seedlings in nursery beds and transplant 4 to 5 weeks later.
- Transplant during the cool part of the day (early morning or late afternoon) to avoid wilting of the plants.
- Space the plants at 20cm between plants and 60cm between rows to give a plant population of 80,000 plants/hectare.
- Within 4 days after transplanting apply Veg Mix B 2.5gm/plant (50kg/Lima) - 5cm away from the plant and 5cm deep.
- 14 days after transplanting top dress Veg Top 24 2gm/plant (40kg/Lima) - 5cm away x 5cm deep.
- 21 days after transplanting top dress Veg Top 24 2gm/plant (40kg/Lima).
- 28 days after transplanting top dress Veg Top 24 2gm/plant (40kg/Lima).
- 35 days after transplanting top dress Veg Top 24 2gm/plant (40kg/Lima).
- Place fertilizer 5cm away from the plants and 3cm deep followed by irrigation.
- Weeds compete with plants for nutrients and space; they can reduce yields by more than 25%. Keep the field free from weeds at all times.
- The seed beds must be forked to aerate once every 14 days. Rape responds well to soil aeration.
- Scout for pests and diseases once weekly, spray upon noticing disease or pest. Diamondback moth, Aphids, Leaf miner and Bagrada bugs are common insect pests while Mosaic virus and Downy mildew are common diseases.
is where we will be ending our discussion for today. Remember to share your comments, views and opinions.
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