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Best small-scale livestock farm business ideas in 2023

Are you interested in starting an animal farming business? Do you want to know the best livestock farming business ideas and opportunities for 2023? Then read on because this article is for you.

Livestock farming or animal husbandry is simply the process of breeding animals for consumption purposes. But in this article, we will be looking at the profit or business side of livestock farming. It is a known fact that as long as humans exist, there will always be need for food and the two major sources of food for mankind are crops and animals.

Now livestock farming is one of the most profitable businesses in the agriculture or agro-allied industry. But most people shy away from this business because it is capital and labour intensive. However, if you are interested in rearing animals for profits, then below are some livestock you can breed and make money from their sales.

1. Cattle farming

Cattle farming is a business that appeals to people who the needed vacant land and resources to make it work. Now as long as milk, meat, leather products, etc. are in demand, cattle will remain a profitable business. For those who are interested in this cattle business, it is important you know that there are several avenues to make money from this business. You can either choose to breed bulls or cattle for their beef or go into full scale dairy farming (milk products). In fact, you can also make money by selling their dungs to organic fertilizer production companies.

2. Goat farming

Goat farming is no longer a new business. Rearing goats is a very lucrative and profitable business because goats have a low mortality rate as they are resistant to diseases, weather, and they are omnivorous.

3. Sheep farming

Sheep breeding business can be very lucrative and a profitable venture more especially if you raise a good number of them. However, for an entrepreneur to succeed in such a venture, patience is required as well as understanding the cycles of your business.

4. Poultry farming

Poultry farming is a viable business anytime any day and the good thing about poultry is that its demand is rising; since people are now reducing their intake of red meat due to health issues. There are several aspects of poultry you can venture into such chicken farming, turkey, guinea fowl, quail, etc.

5. Pet birds farming

Another livestock farming business you can consider is pet birds farming. In this case, you will be breeding birds for pet purposes and other domestic use, not for consumption. Example of pet birds include parrot, doves, pigeons, peafowls (peacocks and peahens), etc.

6. Fish farming

Fish farming can be divided into two basic categories; which are fresh water fish farming and salt. The demand for fish can never be met and about 70% of fishes consumed in Nigeria are still being imported; thus making fish farming a profitable venture.

7. Snail farming

Another lucrative livestock farming business you can venture into is snail farming. As the migration from red meat consumption to white meat increases, the demand for snail will increase as well because snail is a good source of protein. With just a little capital and small garden space, you can kick start this business.

8. Pig farming

Running a piggery is another profitable venture with less competition. Most people shy away from rearing pigs because of religious beliefs and the capital plus labour investment it requires.

9. Worm farming

Worm farming is the easiest way of turning fruit and vegetable scraps into a great potting soil or soil amendment for your house plants or garden. In fact, this is a business that most people are not even aware of.

Do you know that worms have an important role to play in maintaining soil fertility? Well, know it today that there is a market for worms. Worm farming is specifically vital and useful for people who will like to compost their food scraps but do not have vacant for backyard compost bin.

10. Guinea pig farming

Breeding guinea pig is very lucrative and rewarding because they are very prolific. First of all, mating them is very simple. Rearing them is as well easy and at the end of the day, you will smile as you watch these little creatures grow and develop. Just ensure that you will be capable of providing good homes for the babies.

11. Rabbit farming

Rabbit rearing is a business that requires less space and the farming can be done anywhere; from a standard farm, backyard, on terrace or even at home. The capital investment for this venture is very small and the profit potential is huge.

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