Production Requirements
Sweet potato is very sensitive to frost and cold. It
requires hot days and warm nights for optimum growth, with mean monthly
temperatures of 21°C to 29°C.
Popular varieties are Lukulu, Mulungushi, Kalungwishi,
Lwangwa, Lunga, Kafue and Chingovwa.
Sweet potato requires 4 to 6 months to produce economic
A well-managed sweet potato crop should yield 5 to 7.5
tons per Lima (20 to 39 tons/ha).
Preparation/Soil Type
Deep, loose well drained loamy soils (does poorly on
clay soils) with a pH range from 5.5 to 6.5 are ideal for sweet potato.
Effective rooting depth is 60cm. Deep plough field and
harrow to a 60cm fine tilth seedbed.
Sweet potato is relatively tolerant to drought but cannot
withstand waterlogging; therefore vines must be planted on 30 to 50cm ridges to
avoid waterlogging. Preferred soil moisture is 60 to 75% of maximum water
holding capacity.
Plant 30 to 40cm long healthy vine cuttings at spacing
25cm between plants and 90cm between rows to give a plant population of 45,000
plants /hectare.
Recommended time of planting is January.
At planting apply Veg Mix C 6.5gm /plant (75 kg/Lima) –
5cm away from the plant and 5cm deep.
40 days after germination top-dress using Veg Top 32
2.5gm/plant (30kg/Lima) - 5cm away x 5cm deep on an overcast or rainy day to
ensure adequate moisture for dissolving of fertilizer in the soil.
Weeds compete with plants for nutrients and
space; they can reduce yields by more than 25%. Keep the field free from weeds
at all times.
Rodents, Leaf miner, Nematods, Weevils, Hawk moth larvae
and Red spider mites are common pests while Virus degeneration is the main
problem. Post-harvest tuber rot of uncured tubers can cause a great loss.
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