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24 Fascinating and Bizarre Facts about Guinea fowls

Guinea fowls at a water hole Guinea fowl are birds that are completely endemic to the warm and tropical forests, savannas, scrublands, farmlands, and even semi-deserts of sub-Saharan Africa. Flocks of these birds will sometimes roam around urban areas as well. They have several adaptations to deal with the harsher African climate. There are 6 species of guinea fowls that are native to Africa. They inhabit jungles, forests, grasslands, shrublands, savannas and semi-deserts. Take a look below for 24 more fascinating and bizarre facts about guinea fowls. Guinea fowls are very adaptable birds. They’re able to live in the lowlands and on altitudes of 9,800 feet. Some species of guinea fowls, such as the helmeted guinea fowl, have been domesticated and can be found on farms all over the world. They have a bare head and neck, while the rest of their body is covered with dark grey or black feathers with small white dots. They can reach lengths between 16 and 28 inches. They usually weigh bet...

Goat Farming Business Analysis for Zambia

Let’s say you own a big farm plot and you are carrying out other agricultural activities like producing tomatoes , onions , chickens etc. Goat farming would not be a bad idea. Mission To make K10, 000 per month from the goat farming business within a space of 3 years. If one big sized fat delicious goat is sold at K500, then you just need to sell 20 to make K10, 000. A she got can produce up to 5 kids per year that means you just need 48 She Goats (does) to help you make K10, 000 per month in a year (5 kids x 4 x 12 months). Of course you will sale off older ones and males to keep the herd fresh and productive but for now you want to aim for K10, 000 in a month from just the goats. Market Analysis (SWOT Model) 1. Strengths Goats are an alternative source of nutrition in the local Zambian Home. Goats have marketability because of their low-fat content, high protein, unique taste and faster growth rate than Beef. Also men believe that they can get libido by eating a male goats...

How to Switch Chicken Feed Safely

Yes, you are right to go for the best feed, but I advise that to get the best results from the new feed, without destabilizing the birds with stress of feed switch, you need to make the changes in the following ways: It will take you between 3 to 5 days to completely change to new feed. On the first day of changing feed, you need to give 30% of new feed and 70% of the old feed. On the second day of changing feed, you have to give 50% of new feed and 50% of old feed. On the third day, you are meant to give 70% new feed and 30% old feed. On the fourth day, you just have to roll out on new feed 100%. Prepare the birds for the changes and protect them against such stress by applying Animal Tonic or Multivitamin for a period of 7 days starting a day before change of feed. Doing this, your birds shall just increase on performance, not affected by any changes in feed, improving appetite for the new feed, improving digestion of the new feed, no brown diarrhoea resulting from new ...

Artificial Insemination (AI) Guidance for Pig Farmers

Question : How can one make 5 sows come into heat at the same time to cut costs of transporting semen and AI technician from one location to another?  Answer : You need to take control over your pigs’ oestrus cycles. Remember your female pigs are either gilts or sows. A gilt is a young female that has never given birth. A sow is a reproductively active female pig on a farm. Gilts They come into puberty on average at around 24 weeks! To take control over their cycles, carry out " Boar Exposure ." Boar exposure is creating contact between your gilts and a mature boar for purposes of inducing heat. Procedure 1. Introduce a boar to your gilts (one or in a group of not more than seven) every day. 2. Make sure every gilt in the group smells the boar. Ensure contact between each gilt and the boar. 3. Check for signs of heat each day before introducing the boar to the gilt pen. Don't introduce a boar into gilts on standing heat because they may end up mated by the...

Why Pest Management is Important? 5 Reasons to Know

In this piece of article, we’ll get to know the role of Pest Management and why there is a need to know about it. Rodents and insects spread disease, infest your kitchens and bedrooms, and bite you or your pets, making pest treatment important. Your safety and health are put first by getting rid of any form of pest from your house, garage, or yard. Rodents, for instance, may urinate on or next to the food they locate in your kitchen. You may get seriously ill if you unintentionally eat that tainted food. All types of pests transmit virulent germs and viruses that need long-term treatment. For Example, Asthma is one example of a medical condition that others can exacerbate. In the US , pest management is a major challenge. Pest management offers a defense against dangerous insects that could endanger public health and result in expensive property damages. When people hear the terms " pest management " or " pest control " they frequently picture eliminating f...

What Do You Know About Poultry Vaccination?

Vaccination plays an important part in the health management of the poultry flock. There are numerous diseases that are prevented by vaccinating the birds against them. A vaccine helps to prevent a particular disease by triggering or boosting the bird’s immune system to produce antibodies that in turn fight the invading causal organisms. A natural invasion that actually causes the disease will have the same result as the bird will produce antibodies that fights the current invasion as well as to prevent future invasions by the same causal organisms. Unfortunately birds that become diseased usually become unthrifty, non-productive or even die. An infection caused by natural invasion will be uncontrolled and therefore has the possibility of causing severe damage, however vaccination provides a way of controlling the result with minimal harm to the birds. Vaccines are generally fragile products, some of which are live but in a state of suspended animation. Others are dead. All have ...

Rabbit Production

Rabbits are fast growing animals that take 4 to 5 months to mature for slaughter. They reproduce very fast, kindling (giving birth) four times a year to an average of 8 kits per kindle. There are different breeds of rabbits available, the California white, Chinchilla, Dutch, New Zealand white, Flemish giant, French lop and the Angora. A male rabbit is called a buck while a female rabbit is a doe and their young ones are called kits. 1. Rabbit Housing Managing rabbits starts with constructing a proper house. A rabbit house is called a hutch and may be constructed with wood, concrete or iron sheets depending on the materials available to you. Each adult rabbit should occupy its own hutch that measures 2.5ft long x 2.5ft wide x 2ft high. The weaned kits may be placed in hutches 4.5ft x 2.5ft x 2ft. Every doe’s hutch should have a nesting box, where she will give birth and care for her litter. The floor of the rabbit hutch should be made of chicken mesh reinforced with a wire m...