Farming is no doubt a very lucrative business and becoming well known around the globe. Lots of people, both old and young are now delving and swerving the steering of income in agricultural directions. Farm record keeping is one of the important aspects of farming that can make or break a farm enterprise. There are different types of farm records that can be kept to monitor the progress of the farm. Farming as we all know has different sectors and every sector is very relevant in the economy building as they are interwoven in terms of their operation. Talk of crop production; it is a source of animal feed. Also, the wastes of these animals are reused for fertilizer to increase the yield. This is zero farming techniques where there is maximum utilization of resources. This farming system is indeed a very lucrative one and this is what most successful farmers implement. But, one important yet neglected aspect a farm manager must give preference to is farm record keeping. A farm mana...
We are a non-profit online community of visionary, dedicated and passionate farmers who have come together to encourage, share and assist one another with valuable farming information and technology regarding the best agricultural practices and trends across the world. Our primary goal is to “Promote Sustainable Agriculture” as a viable tool to food security across the world.