Basically, chillies
are most important and worthwhile commercial crop that plays a vital role in
the world economy since it is a widely grown spice among all the spice crops.
Usually, they are also known as “chili pepper” throughout the world. Generally,
this crop is mostly grown to obtain the fruits to use them as a major
ingredient of many kinds of curries, chutneys, and also as a culinary.
They are used
as a spice, vegetables, sauces, condiments, fruits and in preparation for
various pickles. Chillies are so popular that they are being used by everyone,
all over the world. These are mostly eaten for their excellent spicy taste and flavoured
pungency. The active element “Capsaicin” one kind of alkaloid present is
chillies is also extracted from them and is used as a medicinal ingredient.
commercial chilli farming is pretty successful and anyone can earn an excellent
profit with instant income because there is always a great demand in the local
and international market. Besides growing on the commercial open field, they
can be also grown in poly houses, greenhouses, pots, containers, backyards,
under shade nets, etc. However, the quality and quantity of yield are higher,
if grown under controlled environmental conditions like growing in greenhouses.
With advanced chilli farming technology, it is also possible to grow them
successfully in the hydroponic
Scientific name of chilli
There is two
scientific name for chilli, there two are Capsicum Annuum L and Capsicum
frutescens L. which belongs to the family “Solanaceae” and to the genus
Health benefits of chilli
The following
is the list of some of the health benefits of eating chili daily…learn it.
- Green chillies are an excellent source of many minerals and vitamins, especially of antioxidants so it can act as janitors in providing protection against damage from free radical and preventing many cancers.
- The Vitamin C content of green chillies is beneficial in strengthening immunity naturally to the diseases.
- The green chilli peppers are full of Vitamin E content which is an essential source in the production of certain kinds of natural skin oils.
- Chillies are supposed to be zero calories content food so it plays an important role in losing weight diet.
- They also keep prostate cancer away from the men.
- They are also helpful in reducing the high blood sugar level of the body.
- Green chillies are an excellent source of dietary fibres because of which are found to be beneficial in improving the working of the digestive system.
- They release endorphins significantly into the brain and works are mood refresher.
- Eating chillies are also found to be beneficial in reducing the chances of lung cancer.
- They are also loaded with the anti-bacterial feature that means they help in keeping bacteria away from us.
- They are also an excellent source of natural Iron.
Chili production in the world | Major producers
Chili is the
largest spice amongst all the spice crop all over the world. However when it
comes to production, India tops the list of chilli production followed by China
and Ethiopia.
1. Climate requirement for chilli farming
chilli can be grown throughout the whole world but it thrives it best in the
tropical region and subtropical region. It requires humid and warm climate
conditions having ideal temp ranging from 18°C to 28°C along with adequate
evenly distributed yearly rainfall. But take care that soils with low moisture
content during the blossom grow and fruit set stage may result in dropping down
of bud, blossom and newly formed fruits. Extreme rainfall during growing period
is also harmful to this crop since it leads to rotting and defoliation of this
chilli plants. However, an annual rainfall of about 20 to 25 inches yearly
rainfall is essential for healthy plant growth and higher production.
Take care that
a temp below 15°C during the growing period may lead to lower crop yield.
2. Soil requirement for chilli farming
They can be
grown over a wide variety of soils however they thrive their best on sandy and
loamy soils, clayey loamy soils under irrigation
Along with
well-drained soil and deltaic soils. Whereas for rainfed conditions, black
soils are best suitable since they can retain good moisture level for the long
time period.
However, always
preferred plantation of soils which are full of all essential organic matter
content with the facility of good drainage and aeration.
For excellent
plant growth, the ideal soil pH for growing chilli is 5.8 to 7.0. Never use
acidic soils for cultivating this crop since are not suitable for higher
production and quality yield.
3. Chilli varieties
Presently, there are many, many improved varieties of chilli are available in the market, and they often knew differently depending on the area. However, learn the list of some famous chilli varieties across the world.
- Bird’s Eye Chilli – Dhani
- Red Cayenne
- Yellow Cayenne
- Red Ball
- Green Ball
- Birdseye
- Jalapeno
- Habanero
There may be
another variety of chilli which is popular in your region in accordance with
the climate conditions and atmosphere.
4. Land preparation in chilli farming
Chili farming
can be done over a wide variety of soils however, sandy, loamy, clayey soils
should be preferred to obtain higher yield with a facility of good drainage and
proper aeration. Bring the cultivating soils in fine tilth form and in friable
conditions to facilitate it with proper aeration and good drainage. Giving
three deep ploughing
followed by a couple of harrowing is sufficient enough to bring the soil in
such conditions. Also carry out crushing of soil, if present. Levelling of soil
is should be done with a tractor blade.
Make raised
beds to drain out the rainwater and facilitate soil with good aeration.
However, supplement all the essential organic matter at the time of land
preparation. Adding about 20 tonnes of farmyard manure per hectare land is good
enough to increase the soil fertility for chili cultivation. However, the
manuring should be done for about 15 to 20 days before the sowing of seedlings.
Make use of Heff at about 10kg per hectare land to protect the newly planted
seedling from pests and insects.
5. Propagation in chilli farming
Chillies are
mainly propagated with the help of quality seedlings raised on nursery beds
from quality seeds. For raising seedling, select only those seeds which have a
high tolerance to the pests, insects, and diseases to obtain higher yield.
Always purchase them from a well-known certified and organic farms. One can
collect it from his/her organically raised own field.
If organic
seeds are not available, one can start cultivation with chemically untreated
chilli seeds obtained from local and high yielding variety.
Chilli seed treatment for raising seedlings
The selected
seeds should be treated
well with any suitable chemical fungicides (pesticides) to obtain high quality
of seedling and attain higher germination percentage. So, treat the selected
seeds well with Pseudomonas sp. or Trichoderma at about 15 gm per each kg of
quality seeds to prevent the occurrence of rot in nursery raised seedling.
The best time
for raising seedling on nursery beds is from Feb to March so that seedling
becomes ready for transplanting in April and May.
Raising nursery seedlings
Sow the fresh
and certified chili seeds on previously prepared beds from Feb to March to make
them ready for transplanting on the field in April since cultivation with
planting seedling has better survival percentage and quality yield in
comparison the broadcasting planting method.
Prepare the
nursery bed thoroughly mixing with the compost and topmost soil. After sowing
treated seed on beds, cover it with thin soil film.
How long do
chilli seeds take to germinate? Usually, seedling appears in about 4 to 6 days
after planting seeds on beds. These nurseries raised seedling should be planted
on the main field when they become 45 to 50 days older.
Seed rate in chilli farming
For raising
nursery seedling, about 500 gm of quality seeds are sufficient enough for
starting cultivation on a hectare land.
Chilli planting season
Planting should
be done from May to June for producing chilli as Kharif crop whereas it should
be done from Jan to Feb to cultivate it as a Rabi season crop.
Chilli planting spacing
Planting of 45
to 50 days older seedling should be done from April to May to meet the market
demand. Planting of seedling should be done in shallow trenches and on ridge
They can be
planted with an appropriate planting distance such as 30cm x 30cm, 30cm x 45cm,
and 60cm x 60cm.
Sowing directly on field in chilli farming
For cultivating
chilli under the rainfed condition, seeds should be sown directly on the field
from the end of March to the first two weeks of April. For sowing seeds directly
on the field, about 1.8kg to 2kg of quality seeds is required. Carry out
thinning along with gap filling after about 4 to 5 weeks of sowing seeds.
6. Irrigation in chilli farming
Chilli plants
do not have tolerance to high moisture that means water is given on the
requirement basis. In commercial chilli cultivation, frequent water supply or
heavy irrigation results in bony vegetative growth and flower shedding. And,
the need of irrigation to plants always depends on climate conditions, soil
type and atmosphere.
This crop
requires a uniform moisture of soil throughout the complete growing period.
But, have poor tolerance towards the drought conditions and flooding.
Irrigating with drip irrigation method is best suitable for cultivation in a
region with water scarcity problem. One can irrigate with furrow method with a
facility of enough water.
Irrigate the
crop, just after planting the seedling on the main field. Then after water
should be given on the requirement basis. Try to irrigate crop at least once a
week in the hot month whereas at an interval of 10 days in the cold month.
The dropping
down of plants leaves in evening, generally at 4 pm to 5 pm indicate the need
for water to the plants. Chili farming is usually practised under rainfed
conditions with an annual rainfall of 120 inches, evenly distributed throughout
the year. But, it is also possible to grow chilli with the facility of
irrigations. But, care to be taken while growing.
Always avoid
over watering. Since plant growth, branching along with dry matter growth are unfavourably
affected by over-watering. But, care to be taken during critical stage such as
flowering stage and fruit development stage. Avoid overhead irrigation since it
invites numbers of diseases. Also, drain out the water due to heavy rains and
flooding conditions to avail constant moisture.
Avoid excessive
use of chemical fertilizers, liquid pesticides, and harmful fungicides. Also,
avoid water stagnation problem on nursery beds and on fields to avoid an early
occurrence of fungal infection.
7. Application of manure and fertilizers in chilli farming
Always try to
cultivate chillies on such soils which are full of all essential
organic matter. So, apply about 15 tonnes of farmyard manure per
hectare land at the time of land preparation to increase soil fertility.
For growing
chillies under rainfed conditions, apply 50kg of Nitrogen, 25kg of Phosphorous
and 25kg of Potash. Give the half dose of Nitrogen at the time of planting
seedlings on the main field. Whereas the remaining half dose of Nitrogen should
be given after about 4 to 5 weeks of planting seedling.
For growing
chillies with the facility of irrigation, apply 100kg of Nitrogen, 50kg of
Phosphorous and 50kg of Potassium per growing hectare. Manuring should be done
in four equal splits. The 1st one at the time of planting seedling.
And, the 2nd one at 4th week of planting seeds. The 3rd
and 4th one should be given at 10th and 12th week
of planting seedling to obtain higher yield.
8. Pests and diseases in chilli farming
Chillies are
very prone to pests and diseases. And the presence of any pests, insect, and
diseases in any crop leads to reduce the production to a big extent. So, learn
the list of common pests and diseases in chilli cultivation along with their
symptoms and control measures.
Chilli pests and their control
Learn the list
of common pests and insect, observed in chilli production along with their
symptoms and control measures.
Pests, symptoms, cause and prevention
Aphids small & succulent, pear-shaped insects. Mostly attack in cold months & influence widely to the crop. Aphids lower down the pods quality and growth. Spray dimethoate at 0.05% to control aphids effectively.
- Thrips: Causes leaf curling & drooping of
premature flowers. Reduce the flowering percentage & hence yield Crop
rotation, weed control, seed treatment with imidacloprid 70% at 10 to 15 gm per
each kg of seeds. Also, give phorate 10% G at 12kg/ha to control effectively.
- Fruit borer: This caterpillar eat leaves which
late make bores on pods. Lower down the quality and quantity of fruits. Collect
& destroy the affected fruits. Spray Bacillus thuringiensis at 10 gm/litre.
- Broad mites: Mites sucks plant juice at midvein on
the underside of leaves. Cause curling of leaf, developing corky tissues on
fruits. Select pest-resistant varieties, & weed control, crop rotation,
Spray dimethoate at 0.05% is beneficial.
- Mealybug: Bug sucks saps tender shoots, leaves,
and fruits. Pest causes curling of leaves & dropping of fruits. Spray with
0.02% dichlorvos or with 0.025% quinalphos along with fish oil rosin soap to
control effectively.
- Root-knot nematode: Insect pest
destroys root system by growing small roots galls. Infected plants turn wilt
yellow. Avoid production on sandy soils with hot weather. Select resistant
variety, crop rotation, can reduce them.
Chilli diseases and their control
Learn the list
of common diseases, observed in chilli production along with their symptoms and
control measures.
Pests, symptoms, cause and prevention
- Damping off: Serious disease of seedlings observed
on nursery bed. Affected seedlings display rot on the base of plants, &
plant died off. Treat seeds properly with Pseudomonas fluorescens at 15gm/kg
seeds, 1 day before sowing. Avoid Waterlogging. Regularly spray with
- Leaf spot disease: Infected leaves have small and
dark greasy spots. Water-soaked like spots develop on green fruits. Leaf drop
off of infected plants Spray Adriamycin at 200 ppm along with copper
oxychloride (0.3%) to control effectively.
- Anthracnose disease: Dark &
sunken spots formed on fruits, dark pink coloured dots emerge at the centre
formed spots. Fruits rot and dropping occur Avoid shadily & moist climate
conditions, Select disease-free quality seeds. Discard off infected ones, Spray
crop by using Mancozeb at 2.5gm/litre.
- Powdery mildew: Spray Carbendazim at 1gm/litre.
Spray about 3 times at an interval of two weeks. Leaf curl disease cause small
size of leaves and downward curling leaves start falling off, mainly spread due
to aphids & thrips. Control thrips & aphids.
9. Chilli plant growing stages
How long does
it take to grow chillies? Is depended on the variety, growing season, climate
conditions, soil type, soil fertility and water supply. However, on average, it
takes about 5 to 6 months to become fully mature after planting on the field.
There are two
growth stages, namely vegetative stage, and reproductive stage. Usually, the
vegetative stage tends to extend for about 75 to 85 days accompanied by the
reproductive stage of 85 to 95 days.
In vegetative
growth stage, an increase of plant height, branching, etc. takes place. For
better aeration and proper sunlight infiltration into the canopy, cloudy
branching should be followed. It also prevents fruit rot disease.
Chilli plant
flowering time starts from around 45 days after planting seedlings on the main
field. And this crop is cross-pollinated with having 50% of the natural crossing
in it. After pollination in the crop, about 40 to 45 days of time is needed for
starting fruit development and to attain maturity in the crop.
10. Harvesting chillies
The maturing
age depends on the cultivar, chosen for production. Generally, it takes about
more than two months for fruits to become fully ripen after the flowering
season starts. Harvesting also depends on the market need.
For selling
freshly harvested in local, harvest fully grown immature green chillies. And
for canning, harvest fully mature red chillies. And for making powder,
harvesting of fully matured riped dry fruits.
should be done on alternate days to obtain higher yield for few months and to
meet the market need. However, it is quite important to store them at proper
place to maintain the pungency and red colour.
Since having
much perishable nature they require attention while harvesting and after
harvesting. The collected fruits should be stored in proper place and
transported to local market. Also, harvesting at proper maturity leads to
higher production as yield.
Post-harvesting tasks
The post-harvesting
tasks in chilli production includes the drying, grading, packing and preserving
at a suitable place. It is helpful maintaining the quality and quantity of
fruits to earn higher market rate.
Yield of chilli farming
Yield depends
on cultivar, soil type, and fertility, facility of irrigation along with farm
management skills, practised during cultivation process. However, on average,
one can easily obtain about 2 to 2.5 tonnes of dried chillies whereas about
more than 10 tonnes of green chillies as yield.
But, yields are
higher for production with the facility of irrigation in compare to rainfed
11. Marketing
The marketing
of chillies include the following points:
- Supply freshly harvested green chillies to the local market on the basis of market requirement.
- And, for red chilli production, it is a good idea to contact a nearby chilli powder maker or industry for the bulk sale.
- However, dry chilli production is more profitable farming over the green, because there is always a great market demand for it. And one can really make big bucks from it.
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